Template:Year in UK county nav

Wrapper for {{Year by category}}, as applied to UK counties

See also {{minx|Cumberland|09|1961|England by county}}

Use edit

For Category:1961 in Cumberland

{{year in UK county nav| 1|9|6|1| Cumberland| England| Cumbria}}

Parameters edit

  1. Year (millennia)
  2. Year (centuries)
  3. Year (decades)
  4. Year (years)
  5. County name: Lancashire / Cumberland etc.
    Note: If county name is "Lancashire (Furness)" with disambiguation, this will create a category of "<year> in "Lancashire (Furness)" , as a child of "<year> in Lancashire", sorted as "Furness)"
  6. Parent: England / Wales / Scotland
  7. Current name of county, if since renamed optional
Give as "Cumbria" for the pre-1974 counties of Cumberland and Westmorland