The Dark Knight
2008 film directed by Christopher Nolan
English: The Dark Knight is a british-american film, released in 2008. For more media, see its category.
Español: The Dark Knight (in Hispanoamérica, Batman: el caballero de la noche, e en España, El caballero oscuro) es una película lanzada em 2008. Para más arquivos, consulte su categoria, "The Dark Knight".
Français : The Dark Knight est un film de 2008. Pour plus media fichiers, voir la catégoria "The Dark Knight".
Português: The Dark Knight (no Brasil, Batman - O Cavaleiro das Trevas, e em Portugual, O Cavaleiro das Trevas) é um filme lançado em 2008. Para mais arquivos, consulte a categoria "The Dark Knight".
Bahasa Indonesia: The Dark Knight adalah film Amerika Serikat yang dirilis tahun 2008. Untuk guna lain, lihat kategori "The Dark Knight".
Cast and crew
Director Christopher Nolan, producers Emma Thomas and Charles Roven, actors Curnen, Caine, Eckhart, Gyllenhaal and Bale.
Filming locations and Plot elements
The bat-pod.
The Tumbler.
Lau's tower.
The Joker's catchphrase.
Release and promotion
Jarno Trulli driving for Toyota F1 and promoting the release of The Dark Knight.
Bale signing autographs in the European premiere of the filme
Pre-release of the film at the cinema Colisevm (Barcelona, Spain)