The Gay Young Clerk in the Dry Goods Store

The Gay Young Clerk in the Dry Goods Store (abbreviated as Gay Young Clerk in a Dry-goods Store or Gay Young Clerk in the music sheets) is a song published in 1868 by Will. S. Hays.


Augustus Dolphus is his name,
from Skiddy-ma-dink they say he came,
He's a handsome man and he's proud and poor,
This gay young clerk in the Dry-Good Store


  1. O listen now and I'll sing a song, How are you ladies, Howdy;
    I'll slug it all, for it wont take long, Ah! ladies haha!
    It's about a chap, perhaps you know,
    I'm told he is "Nobody's beau"
    But maybe you all knew that before,
    He's a lively clerk in a Dry-Goods Store
  2. His eyes they are of a dark sky-blue, How aer you ladies, Howdy;
    His hair light brown and his mustache too, Ah! ladies haha!
    And he wears eye glasses on his nose,
    And he never looks down at his toes,
    For fear he'll fall on a cellar door,
    This dashing clerk in a Dry-Goods Store.
  3. He wears side whiskers on his jaws, How are you ladies, Howdy,
    Wont none of you hear him for his cause, Ah! ladies haha!
    Why almost every lady knows
    He's a nice young man, For he wears good clothes,
    He's a handsome chap as I said before,
    He's a gay young clerk in a Dry-Goods Store.
  4. He smiles at all the girls he meets, How are you ladies, Howdy;
    And you smile at him on the crowded streets, Ah! ladies haha!
    Why don't you make him "come to taw"
    I know he wants a mother-in-law,
    Do as your parents did before,
    You.... and the clerk in the Dry-Goods Store.

