British English subtitles for clip: File:Aktion Standesamt 2018 Abschlusskundgebung vor dem Kanzleramt in Berlin 02.webm

00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:30,000
OK, hello, nice that you're all here to join us for a self-determined gender entry here in front of the chancellery and the Reichstag on the street.

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We, this is the action registry office 2018. We demand a law for a positive self-determined third gender entry by the end of this year.

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And we demand the right for all of us to be able to decide for ourselves on gender entry.

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without expert opinions without legal proceedings without medical evidence

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all over Germany this week more than 100 applications were submitted

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Applications have been submitted from Tegernsee to Mönchengladbach throughout Germany

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In the beginning, we want to present our challenge in a short pictorial representation and thereby create a joint picture.

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there are two phases of the reproduction. in the first phase, the persons are classified as provided for by the current draft law of the federal government and determined by third parties

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in the second phase the whole picture rotates and we make our demand for self-determination visible

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all who wear white painter's suits go there

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person with wig: step forward, here you are classified. step forward individually

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I don't know. What do you say?

00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:20,000
no no no no no. It doesn't make any sense.