User:ArchaiOptix/Greek Geometric painted pottery

Dear visitor,
welcome to this partition of my picture gallery.
For my picture galleries about other object categories of ancient art please turn to my general user page (link on the top of this page).

Old Satyr Marsyas with ivy wreath

About me:
I am teaching Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin), Theology, modern Greek and Italian. I am particularly interested in Archaeology and History of Ancient Art. One of my other hobbies is photography. Combining these two hobbies I take lots of pictures in museums and archaeological sites and catalogue the photos according to the scientific literature.

About this picture gallery:
Under the relevant categories (of museums and painting styles) and more systematically on this user page I share a selection of my photos of ancient art.
The site is under construction since January 2020.
I thank all directors of museums who permit photography of the exhibits for private, educational, scientific, non-commercial purposes, thus spreading the knowledge of their treasures in a wider public. I hope that my photos published on wikimedia commons act also as an incentive to visit these museums and admire the works of art directly. Therefore editing the photos I refrain from replacing the background, so that the objects can be seen as displayed in the museum. If you intend to use one of my photos for commercial aims, I would recommend you to contact the museum.

The structure of this picture gallery:
→period and style
→→ workshop / class / group / painter if attributed, otherwise vase shape

This subpage comprises vases from the protogeometric period to the late geometric period. Subgeometric / early orientalizing vases from the seventh century onwards usually are found on the subpages dealing with the local styles during the orientalizing and archaic periods.
Image titles and descriptions mention only figured plastic and painted decorations, not the geometric patterns.

Attica / Athens


early protogeometric


late geometric I


Dipylon Workshop (LG Ia-b)




classified according to John Nicolas Coldstream, Greek Geometric Pottery: A Survey of Ten Local Styles and Their Chronology, 1968 and
Anne Ruckert, Frühe Keramik Böotiens, Form und Dekoration der Vasen des späten 8. und frühen 7. Jahrhunderts, Bern 1976; The attribution to the stylistic phases follows as far as possible Schefold´s introduction to Ruckert´s work: "Stilphasen Böotisch Geometrischer Keramik"

transition from middle geometric II to late geometric I


late geometric I


late geometric II


transition from late geometric II to subgeometric
