
"The Monolith" It's actually quite a nice building. And it's beyond huge.


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I'm the resident geek of the National Archives Still Pictures Reference unit here at Archives II in College Park.

During the course of my duties, if I run across a NARA holding and see it on a Wiki, I like to take the time to update the file information with the National Archives reference number, caption, and assorted other information.

You'd be surprised how many images on the Wiki system are held by the National Archives and Records Administration. In fact, I get about 10 requests a month for images that are on a Wiki, but aren't cited properly. So, if you take a NARA pic and put it on a wiki, for the love of all things holy, PUT THE CITATION NUMBER IN THE DESCRIPTION. Save some tax dollars and your government peons' already taxed sanity.

Contact Still Pix at NWCS Stills Reference, Rm 5360, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park MD 20781!

To learn more about the Still Pictures Unit, visit Our Website

Please fix my uploads and let me know what I mess up. Still learning image editing and proper categorization on Wikipedia.

 This user respects copyright, but sometimes it can be a major pain.
 This user has a page on Wikipedia.
  This user supports the public domain.

DISCLAIMER: This page, contributions by this account, and comments made by the user of the account are NOT BY DEFAULT the views, policies or positions of the National Archives and Records Administration or the United States Federal Government. The user of this account is a employee of the Special Media Collections of NARA, but is not a public representative of the agency or the United States. All opinions, views and conjecture made by the user of this account are their own.