
Warning! This is a general guide for all Commons competitions. Please consider that each competition can have his own rules on the formatting of the diff. They have priority above this guide!

If you are voting in any Commons competition, and you do not have a sufficient amount on edits on Commons, or even no account, but you do on your "home wiki" (, etc.), you are required to make a diff to confirm to identify. This guide will explain how to do this.

  • First make sure that you have enough edits on your home project.
  • Then goto your talk page on your home wiki and click on the + button:

  • Write a statement confirming your identity, and sign:

  • Save the page and click the history button:

  • You will now get the history of your talk page. The top two options are preselected. Now click on the compare button:

  • Copy the address from your browser:

  • You can now cast your vote. Choose the picture you want to vote for, add an optional comment, add the address of the diff preceded by [ and followed by diff] (Don't forget a space between them) and sign:

  • You can now save the page. You have successfully cast your vote.

Sorry for the complexity of this voting system. This is however for us the only way to confirm you are the user you are claiming to be. This might be better next time, when we have a Single Unified Login system. If you have any questions, or ways to improve this guide, please leave a message on the talk page.