User:Diascanprojekt Dunst/common.js

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// upload wizard config
if ("UploadWizard" === mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName')) {
	mw.loader.using('ext.uploadWizard', function () {
		try {
			var autoAdd = mw.config.get('UploadWizardConfig').autoAdd;
			// Add a custom category to all my upload wizard uploads
			autoAdd.wikitext += "{{Diascanprojekt Dunst|year="+(new Date()).getFullYear()+"}}";
			autoAdd.categories.push("Images by Diascanprojekt Dunst");
			autoAdd.categories.push("Images by Diascanprojekt Dunst needing check");
			autoAdd.categories.push("Images by Diascanprojekt Dunst/St Petersburg 2004-07");
		} catch (ex) {
			mw.log("Injecting user-category into UploadWizard failed.", ex);