User:Donald Trung/2017 user page

This as my old user page, I moved it here because I now prefer to work with sub-pages, and most of my “to-do lists” were already completed...
Things that interest me greatly. 🤑

Hello, my name is Donald Trung (chữ Hán: 徵國單), and I am here mostly to upload pictures 📷 of coins and paper money 💴. 😉 I collect coins and banknotes from all over the world 🗺 but take a special interest in those from the Far-East. 🌏

I have a Trungfession to make, I really love 💘 seeing the pictures 📷 I upload here on Wikipedia, however that doesn't mean that I would replace a picture superior to mine, or that I would insert a picture 📷 I perceive as inferior in an article. I mostly stumble upon them in articles I have little prior interest in, and I rarely am the one to actually put them in Wikipedia. 😅 (update: Or I will look for subjects in Wikipedia and take pictures specifically for the articles. 📸)

If you want me to take a picture 📷 of something just ask. 😉🖼

My (former) Wikipedia user page


What the above is


What my primary goal is here on Wikimedia Commons 🥅 📸


Archived version of a proposal I had made as an IP user (yeah, my Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile device keeps signing me out, “the miracles of Microsoft” 😒 )


My plans for the future. 🤔


My editing style


How I pre-select the images that I(‘ll) upload… 🤔


Images (of coins) I plan on uploading. 📸📲⬆

The types of coins I prefer writing about (and taking pictures 📷of), though it's not uncommon for me to venture into other numismatic endeavours.

Note 📝: This list I make here to remind myself to upload these images to Wikimedia Commons, I wrote this list on Wednesday July 12th, 2017 as basically “a snapshot” of my direct plans on images for uploading, after I’ve made, and then uploaded the image I shall insert them here as a thumb 👍🏻.

Sent from my Microsoft Lumia 950 XL with Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile 📱.

Late Qing Dynasty coins 👲🏻


2500 years of cast Chinese coinage 💴


a Jurchen Jin Dynasty coin 💴


various Nguyễn Dynasty coins together. 💴💳💴


Minh Mang zinc & copper coins


Machine-struck Cash 💰 coins.


Thanh Thai Thong Bao ⚱


Thanh Thai cast & milled coins together. 🎏💰📸


A Guāng Xù Zhòng Bǎo (光緒重寶) coin. 👲🏻


This section was added on July 20th, 2017.

A Mín-Guó Tōng-Bǎo (民國通寶) 🏛


This section was added on July 20th, 2017.

Banknotes. 💴💵💶💷


The story of me collecting paper money 💴 recalls probably my earliest memory, when I was 4 (four) years old I was fascinated by the ƒ 10,- banknote, its colours seemed wondrous in my young eyes 👀, so one day I asked my father if he could give me ƒ 10,- so he went to his “office 🏢 room” upstairs, and then printed out a copy of that banknote, then I told him that I only wanted it for the beautiful colours, so he gave me some colouring pens and said “then colour it in”, so I did. I still have that print to this day. A decade later in another house 🏠 I was cleaning the attic when suddenly I found this big Brown folder 📁 with plastic sheets inside, I opened it up and it was filled with banknotes from all over the world, though I’ve been collecting coins since I was 5 years old (especially the “2-headed” Juliana & Beatrix coins, or the “Football ⚽ ƒ 5,- coins), I did so sporadically and only took out of circulation what I got in the stores (once even preferring a “two-headed” Guilder over a pack of Pokémon cards 🃏), but that moment impressed something on me, I asked my mother and my father if I could have their banknotes and they said “yes”, I’ve been a money 💴 collector ever since.

The banknotes I’ll upload here to Wikimedia Commons will be judged more harshly, I shall first check if not a good quality picture 📷 exists of that banknote here, then I’ll make sure that it doesn't violate any copyright © claims, and then I’ll upload them. 📤

French Indo-Chinese Banknotes. 🏧💸


Netherlands Indies. 🏝




Explaining my reasoning behind my Wikipedian expansions and how it relates to my “mission” here on Wikimedia Commons

The type of picture 📷 Wikimedia Commons is missing… although ironically the example I use are Northern Song dynasty coins which Wikimedia Commons DOES have enough of. 😅

What Commons is missing (as of July 19th, 2017)


Primal Trek (primaltrek) by Gary Ashkenazy (גארי אשכנזי )


Dutch shops and stores. 🏬


Currently I am busy uploading pictures of Dutch shops and stores that don't have an image on Dutch Wikipedia, though many articles exist it's not uncommon for there to be no image (sometimes other than the logo), for that reason I have a "to-do list 📝" of Dutch shops with Wikipedia articles that lack an image. Personally what I find the saddest about the lack of images in these categories is that many supermarkets and shops that no longer exist don't have a single image on Commons, as an encyclopedia Wikipedia would greatly benefit from having illustrative images added to these articles as the saying goes "a picture 📷 says a thousand words" which I admittedly hated as a saying for most of my life but recently have seen the value of, you can describe a store in detail but still would fail to illustrate it as adequately as with an image.

Of course I do not limit my uploads to those shops and stores but I think that those currently (as of October 3rd, 2017) as some stores have been announced to close, or rebrand and if we do not document them now we might never do so, this doesn't mean that I have a COI with them, if anything improving Wikipedia for the sake of improving Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects should be seen as the opposite of "advertising" but unfortunately a culture of "spamophobia" that hurts building the encyclopedia is more prevalent than a culture of improving Wikipedia itself, of course I would never promote the subjects of my photography, in fact I have often had bad experiences with many of them, but I think that their educational value exceeds my grudges towards many of them, though this doesn't mean that I will photograph every store I see, I look for them first on Dutch Wikipedia before I take the picture 📷 and I'm a lot more passionate about numismatics than I am about shops and stores. 😅

What I hope some of my photographs might accomplish in the future.
