User:Donald Trung/List of symbols on Chinese numismatic charms on Wikimedia Commons

This is a list 📃 of symbols and their implied and/or hidden meanings on Chinese charms, Chinese amulets, and Chinese talismans. As I will gradually be uploading more images of these symbols 🔣 to Wikimedia Commons I will add them here in this list. --Donald Trung 『徵國單』 (No Fake News 💬) (WikiProject Numismatics 💴) (Articles 📚) 13:21, 30 July 2018 (UTC)

If you see any symbol without an image here then feel free to upload it to Wikimedia Commons (Mobile 📱).

List of symbols that appear on Chinese numismatic charms and their implied meanings

Symbol Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Pinyin Implied or hidden meaning Origin of the association Exemplary image(s)
Apple[1] 蘋果 苹果 píng guǒ Apples may be used to denote peace. The Mandarin Chinese word for "apple" (蘋果, píng guǒ) sounds similar to that for "peace" (平安, píng ān).
Apricot grove,
Field of apricots
xìng Successful results in the imperial examination. The first celebration where those who were successful in the imperial examination system was allegedly held in an apricot grove.
Axe Happiness, power, and punitive actions. The Mandarin Chinese word for "axe" (斧, ) sounds similar to that for "happiness" (福, ).
The head of an axe is considered to be one of the Twelve Ornaments imperial China.[2][3]
In the religion of Buddhism axes symbolise the destruction of evil.[4]
The axe is the symbol of the God of Carpenters, Lu Ban (鲁班).[5]
Bamboo (1)[6][7] zhú Being upright, resilience, strength, gentleness, being refind, gracefulness. These are also the ideals of Confucian scholars.
Bamboo is also used to represent Taoist ideals as bamboo often bends during extreme weather conditions without breaking.
Bamboo (2) zhú Wishes or congratulations.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "bamboo" (竹, zhú) is a homophone of the word for "to congratulate" or "to wish" (祝, zhù).
Because bamboos have "hollow centers" (空虚, kōng xū) they are associated with "modesty" (謙虛, qiān xū) because the second character in Mandarin Chinese of both words are homophones.
Bat[8][9] Good fortune.
When bats are placed upside-down this means that happiness bas arrived.
The five fortunes (A long life, being wealthy, being healthy and having composure, virtue, and the desire to die a natural death in old age).[10]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "bat" (蝠, ) sounds like "happiness" (福, ).[11][12]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "upside-down" (倒, dǎo) sounds like "to have arrived" (到, dào), comparatively when a bat is seen descending from the sky (蝠子天来, fú zi tiān lái) this phrase sounds similar to "good fortune descends from the heaven skies" (福子天来, fú zi tiān lái).
Bear[a] xióng Scare away evil spirits.
Heroism (when combined with an eagle).
The Mandarin Chinese word for "Hero" (英雄, yīng xióng) sounds like a composite of "hawk" or "eagle" (鷹, yīng) and "bear" (熊, xióng).
Bran 麩子 麸子 fū zi Fertility. The Mandarin Chinese word for "wheat bran" (麩子, fū zi) is a homophone to the term for "wealthy son" (富子, fù zi).
Butterfly[13][14] 蝴蝶 蝴蝶 hú dié Longevity. The second Hanzi character in the Mandarin Chinese word for "butterfly" (蝴蝶, hú dié) sounds the same as the Mandarin Chinese word for "someone who is 70/80 years of age" (耋, dié).[15][16][17]
Calamus[18][19][20] 菖蒲 菖蒲 chāng pú Protection from bad luck, evil spirits, and pathogens. The leaves of a calamus plant resembles swords.
Carp (1) Strength, power, profit, and fertility. The Mandarin Chinese word for "carp" (鯉, ) sounds like that for "strength" (力, ) and also the word for "profit" (利, ).
Carps lay a lot of eggs which is why they are associated with fertility.[21][22]
Carp (2) Persistence. According an ancient Chinese myth called the lǐ yú tiào lóng mén (鯉魚跳龍門) carps that leap over the dragon gate shall transform into a Chinese dragon.[23][24][25]
Cash coins qián Wealth and prosperity.
The cash coin is considered to be one of the "Eight Treasures".
Cash coins are round with a square hole in the middle which was based on the Ancient Chinese belief that the earth was square and the heavens were circular or round.[26][27][28][29]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "coin" (錢, qián) sounds like "before" (前, qián).
An archaic Mandarin Chinese term for coins (泉, quán) sounds like the word for "complete" (全, quán).
Cassia[30] guì High ranks through success in the imperial examination system,
When cassia plants are placed together with calabash, pomegranate, and/or lotus seeds this represents the desire that many sons will achieve high ranks through the imperial examination system.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "cassia" (桂, guì) sounds the same as the word for "high rank" (貴, guì).
Cat Māo Longevity.
Protection of silkworms.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "cat" (貓, māo) is a homophone for get word for an "octogenarian" (耄, mào).[31][32]
Cats hunt rats and mice which are the natural predators of the silkworm.[33][34][35]
Chestnut[b] 栗子 栗子 Lì zi Fertility.
Good manners in a woman.
Chestnuts are often given as a Chinese wedding gift.[36][37]
The Mandarin Chinese word meaning "chestnut" (栗子, lì zi) is a homophone to the phrase "producing children" (立子, lì zi).
The first Hanzi character in the Mandarin Chinese word meaning "chestnut" (栗, ) is a homophone to the word for "etiquette" (禮, ) and is associated with that quality in females.
Chopsticks 筷子 筷子 Kuài zi The wish for a newlywed couple to immediately start producing offspring. The Mandarin Chinese word for "chopsticks" (筷子, kuài zi) is homophonic with the phrase "fast sons" (快子, kuài zi).[38][39][40]
Chime stones Qìng Being rich and wealthy. The Mandarin Chinese word for "chime stone" (磬, qìng) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese word for "to congratulate" (慶, qìng).
Ancient Chinese chime stones were made from jade thus were considered to be expensive and therefore valuable.[41]
The chime stone is considered to be a member of the eight treasures of China.
Chrysanthemum 10th month of the Chinese calendar.
People who maintain their virtuous nature in the face of adverse and tempting circumstances.
Nobility and elegance.
The chrysanthemum is one of the Chinese Four gentlemen.
The chrysanthemum blooms quite late in the year when the circumstances are less than optimal.
The Hanzi character for chrysanthemum looks like the Hanzi character for "forever" (永久, yǒng jiǔ).[c]
Cicada Chán Immortality and rebirth.[44][45] Cicadas survive under the ground for a significant amount of time before they rise from the ground and fly towards the skies.
(Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis)[d]
佛手 佛手 Fó shǒu happiness and longevity.[46][47] The Mandarin Chinese word for Buddha's Hand (佛手, fó shǒu) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese words for "happiness" (福, ) and longevity" (壽, shòu).
Clouds[e] yún Heaven.
Good luck.[48][49][50]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "cloud" (雲 , yún) has a similar pronunciation as that for "luck" (運, yùn).  
Coral 珊瑚 珊瑚 shān hú Coral is considered to be one of the Chinese "Eight treasures".
Promotions in rank for officials.
Historically the population of China thought that coral was an underwater "iron tree" (鐵樹, tiě shù) that only blossomed once every century.
Red coral is believed to be auspicious because the colour red is associated with happiness, good fortune, and good luck.
Coral buttons on the hats of government officials signify one of the nine grades.
Coral resembles deer antlers and deer are associated with longevity.[51][52]
Crab xiè Peace and harmony.
Success in the Chinese imperial examination system and a high rank as a government official.
The Mandarin Chinese term for "crab" (蟹, xiè) sounds similar to the word for "harmony" (协, xié).
The Mandarin Chinese term for "crab’s shell" (甲, jiǎ) also means "first", as in the person who has the highest score on the imperial examination system.[53][54]
Crane[f] Longevity.
Success in the imperial examination system and achieving a high rank.
A harmonious and good marriage.
In Ancient China it was believed that cranes reach high ages before their death.
Images of cranes were embroiled in the dresses of government officials with advanced ranks.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "crane" (鶴, ) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese word for "harmony" (合, ).[55][56][57]
Cypress bǎi Large quantities. The Mandarin Chinese word for "cypress" (柏, bǎi) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese word for "one-hundred" (百, bǎi).[58][59]
Date fruits Zǎo Something will happen soon.
The conception of children for newlywed couples.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "a Chinese jujube" or "date" (棗, zǎo) sounds like the words for "soon" and "early" (早, zǎo).
Deer[g] 鹿 鹿 A top government position with a high salary.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "deer" (鹿, ) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word the salary of a government official (祿, ).[60]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "deer" sounds like the name of the Chinese God of Prosperity.
Traditionally the Chinese people thought that deer could reach high ages because they were thought to be the only animal with the ability to locate the magical lingzhi fungus of immortality.
Dog Quǎn The Chinese zodiac "dog". Dogs are one of the twelve Chinese zodiacs.[61]  
Door gods
(Shentu and Yulü)
門神 门神 ménshén Protection against bad luck and evil spirits. The door gods were warriors who fought evil.[62]
Dragon Lóng Longevity, the renewal of life, fertility, prosperity, and benevolence.
Good harvests.
The Emperor[h][63]
The east and the spring.
A human male.[i][64]
The dragon is one of the twelve Chinese zodiacs.
It was believed in ancient China that dragons had the power to bring rain so they’re associated with good harvests.
The Chinese dragon is associated with yang (the orient, springtime, and "male energy") while the Chinese phoenix is associated with its opposite, Yin.
Dragonfly 蜻蜓 蜻蜓 Qīng tíng Pureness of a person's character (one of the ideals of Confucianism). The first character in the Mandarin Chinese word for "dragonfly" (蜻, qīng) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "pure" (清, qīng).
Duck 鴛鴦 / 鸂 鸳鸯 / 鸂 Yuān yāng / Xī Peace and prosperity in marriage as well as conjugal affection and fidelity.[65] The ancient Chinese people believed that Mandarin ducks mated for life.
See also: Wedding ducks.
Dumplings 餃子 饺子 Jiǎo zi Abundance.
Money and wealth.
Fertility and large families.
Dumplings are often shaped like crescents which symbolise the desire to have "a year of abundance".
Dumplings are sometimes shaped like silver sycees, the Mandarin Chinese name for "dumplings" (餃子, jiǎo zi) sounds similar to that of the jiaozi banknotes (交子, jiāozǐ) from the Song dynasty, it was customary to place cash coins in dumplings once every while with the wish that the person who would find them would be granted good luck and prosperity.
The characters that compose the Mandarin Chinese characters for "dumplings" sound like "to have sexual intercourse" (交, jiāo) and "child" (子, ). Additionally if a dumpling has dates inside of it this could mean a wish for "the early birth of sons".[66]
(or Hawk)
Yīng Heroism. See bear above.
Longevity, purity, and good fortune.
The Mandarin Chinese word for a "Heron" or an "Egret" (鷺, ) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese term for "path", "road", or "way" (路, ).
The Mandarin Chinese word for a "Heron" or an "Egret" has a similar pronunciation as refer Mandarin Chinese term meaning "an official's salary" (祿, ).[67]
(The number 8)
Eight is considered "the most auspicious number" in Chinese culture. The way that the number eight is pronounced in Chinese languages (particularly in the Southern variants) makes it sound like "wealth" or "to prosper" (發財, fā cái).[68]
Eight immortals 八仙 八仙 Bā xiān Depends on each individual member of the eight immortal. The eight immortals refers to eight individuals who practiced the religion of Taoism and had attained immortality.[69]
Eight treasures
八寶 八宝 Bā bǎo 1. The wish-granting pearl (寳珠, bǎozhū) or flaming pearl
2. The double lozenges (方勝, "fāngshèng").
3. The stone chime (磬, "qìng").
4. The pair of rhinoceros horns (犀角, xījiǎo).
5. The double coins (雙錢, shuāngqián).
6. The gold or silver ingot (錠, dìng).
7.coral (珊瑚, shānhú).
8. The wish-granting scepter (如意, rúyì).[70]
These are the traditional eight treasures from China, but they can also be considered to be a subset of the hundred treasures.  
Eight treasures
佛門八寶 佛门八宝 Fó mén bā bǎo 1. The lotus symbolises purity and enlightenment.
2. The Wheel of the Dharma symbolises knowledge.
3. The treasure vase symbolises wealth.
4. The conch shell holds the Buddha's thoughts.
5. The victory banner represents that the Buddha's teachings conquer all.
6. The endless knot symbolises harmony.
7. The parasol symbolises protection.
8. A fish pair symbolise happiness in marriage.[71]
The eight treasures in Buddhism are the precious organs of the Buddha's body.
Elephant Xiàng Good fortune.
If an elephant is seen with a vase on its back it symbolises a wish for someone else (or the carrier of the Chinese charm or amulet) to have peace and/or good luck.
The elephant is also the eponymous character of xiangqi or "Elephant Chess".[72]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "elephant" (象, xiàng) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese word for "lucky" or "auspicious" (祥, xiáng).
The Mandarin Chinese word for "vase" (瓶, píng) has the same pronunciation as the first component for the Mandarin Chinese word for "peace" (平安, píng ān).[73]
(Chinese phoenix)
鳳凰 凤凰 Fènghuáng Joy and peace.
If shown together with a dragon then the fenghuang and dragon pair represent a harmonious and happy marriage.
The South and Summer.
The Empress of China.[74]
The ancient Chinese people believed that fenghuang (or Chinese phoenixes) only appeared at peaceful times of economical prosperity and when the government ruled its people in a good manner.
The fenghuang (Chinese phoenix) represents yin (female) while the dragon represents yang (male).
Fish Abundance.
The fish is often used with other Chinese amuletic symbols to represent a wish or desire to get more of that, these things include "more children", "more (good) luck", "more wealth", "more money", "more prosperity", "more (good) fortune", "more success in the imperial examination system", Etc. as well as longevity.
If a wish is combined with a magpie, a lotus and the Hanzi character for "year" (年) it represents a wish for "having more happiness year after year".
Happiness in marriage (if two fish are featured on a charm or amulet).
Fish as a symbol are extremely common on Chinese numismatic charms and amulets but are very rare on government cast Chinese cash coins.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "fish" (魚, ) sounds a lot like the Mandarin Chinese word for "surplus" or "abundance" (余, ).[75]
Because fish lay a lot of eggs at the same time they are considered to have great reproductive abilities which is where their association with sex, fertility, and marriage comes from.
Further reading: Fish in Chinese mythology.
Five blessings (1)[l] 五福 五福 Wǔ fú 1. Longevity (壽);
2. Wealth (富);
3. Health and composure (康寧);
4. Virtue (修好德);
5. The desire to die a natural death in old age (考終命).[76][77]
These are the Chinese five blessings described in the Book of Documents.
Five blessings (2) 五福 五福 Wǔ fú 1. Good fortune (福);
2. The salary of a government official (祿);
3. Longevity (壽);
4. Joy or happiness (喜);
5. (Earthly) valuables or property (財).
These are a popular "alternative five blessings" in China.[78]
Five Poisons[m] 五毒 五毒 Wǔ dú The ability to counteract the pernicious influences of toxins.[79] The ancient Chinese believed that one could combat poison with poison.
Flaming Pearl
(and other pearls)
寳珠 宝珠 Bǎozhū The endless cycle of transformation.
If a flaming pearl is chased by a Chinese dragon then the pearl in this context may be thought of as a visual metaphor for perfection as well as enlightenment.[n]
The flaming pearl can also represent the wish-granting pearl from Buddhist mythology.
Wealth, treasure, pure intentions, and genius in obscurity.
Chinese dragons are often depicted as chasing a "pearl" like jewel object.[80][81] The pearl also resembles the moon. As a dragon begins to devour the pearl, a decreasing amount of the pearl can be seen and the pearl appears to the watcher as a waning moon. As a dragon disgorges the pearl from itself, an increasing amount of the pearl is seen and the pearl therefore appears to the watcher as a waxing moon.
The flaming pearl is a member of the Chinese Eight Treasures.
Fly-whisk 拂塵 拂尘 Fú chén Fly-whisks are tools that can be used to hit or swat gnats and other flies, as a symbol on Chinese charms and amulets the "fly-whisk" bears association with Buddhist gods and Taoist immortals, particularly the members of the 8 immortals Lu Dongbin and He Xiangu. The "fly-whisks" carried by these deities and immortals are symbolically used to signify "the sweeping away of ignorance".
Four Blessings 四福 四福 Sì fú 1. Happiness (喜).
2. The salary of a high government official (祿).
3. Longevity (壽).
4. Good luck or good fortune (福).[82][83]
These are all considered desirable things.
Four Divine Creatures[o] 四象 四象 Sì Xiàng The Vermillion (or sometimes red) Bird (朱雀, zhū què) which represents the south and symbolises the summer.
The White Tiger (白虎, bái hǔ) represents the west and symbolises the autumn.
The Azure Dragon (青龍, qīng lóng) represents the east and symbolises the spring.
The black tortoise (or black warrior) coiled around by a snake (玄武, xuán wǔ) represents the north and symbolises the winter.
Each animal symbolises a direction and has a season associated with that direction.[84]
Four Gentlemen[p] 四君子 四君子 Sì jūn zǐ 1. Orchid (springtime).
2. Bamboo (summer).
3. chrysanthemum (autumn).
4. Plum (winter).[q]
Each member of the Four Gentlement represents a season.[85]
Four Happiness Boys 四蝠男子 四蝠男子 Sì fú nán zǐ "Good luck" and a wish for many offpsring. The "Four Happiness Boys" is an image of two boys that makes it look as if there are four, this illusion creates the hope for frequent successful reproduction and was therefore a common gift for newlywed couples in ancient China.[86]
Four Happinesses 四蝠 四蝠 Sì fú 1. "Sweet rain after a long drought" (久旱逢甘雨, jiǔ hàn féng gān yǔ).
2. "Meeting an old friend in a faraway place" (他鄉遇故知, tā xiāng yù gù zhī).
3. "The wedding night" or a more literal translation "the night of lighting a candle in the bridal chamber" (洞房花燭夜, dòng fáng huā zhú yè).
4. "Having one's name on the list of successful candidates of the imperial examination" (金榜題名時, jīn bǎng tí míng shí).
"The four happinesses" come from a Song dynasty era poem composed by Hong Mai (洪邁).[87]
Frog Fertility. The Mandarin Chinese word for "frog" (蛙, ) has a similar pronunciation as the Mandarin Chinese word for "baby" (娃, ).[88]
Fu Lu Shou 福祿壽 福禄寿 Fú Lù Shòu Happiness, prosperity, and longevity. Fu Lu Shou refers to the three gods who embody these concepts.
Fungus of Immortality[r] 靈芝 灵芝 Líng zhī Longevity. The lingzhi mushroom doesn't decay in the same manner as other species of fungus, instead this type of mushroom becomes woody and has the ability to survive for an extended period of time which is the root of its association with longevity, furthermore it is believed that this fungus grows on the "Three Islands of the Immortals".[89]
Goat Yáng Freedom from starvation and being blessed by Taoist immortals. A reference to a large scale famine in the city of Guangzhou (then still known as (Chuting, 楚庭), in present-day Guangdong which happened under the Zhou dynasty's King Yi, on a day five immortals (sometimes referred to as "five celestial beings") came down from the heavens each of them riding on a goat and floating down on a cloud. Every goat had a six-eared rice stalk in its mouth which were given to the people with the promise by these immortals that Guangzhou would never suffer a famine again. These five goats remained after the immortals had left and transformed into stone.[s][90][91]  
God of Examinations[t] 魁星 魁星 Kuí xīng Success in the imperial examination system. The God of Examinations is often thought to help candidates pass the difficult and rigorous Chinese civil exams of the imperial examination system.[92]
God of Happiness[u] 福 / 福神 / 福星 福 / 福神 / 福星 Fú / Fú shén / Fú xīng Good luck and good fortune.[93][94] The God of Happiness grants good luck and good fortune, the God of Happiness is a continuation of one of Taoism’s three original gods or heavenly officials, namely the "Heavenly Official who grants fortune" (天官賜福).
God of Longevity[v] 寿 Shòu Longevity.
In Confucianism it is believed that wisdom comes with (old) age.
Taoists admire longevity as their religion revolves around the quest for immortality.
God of Prosperity[w] 祿 The God of Prosperity is usually seen holding a Ruyi scepter in one hand which in more archaic versions used to be a short sword alongside a sword-guard which he used for either making gestures or self-defense, however the Ruyi scepter stands for whatever its holder wishes for to come true as well as prosperity.
The God of Prosperity is also associated with the saying thay the Ancient Chinese found to be auspicious "may office and salary be bestowed upon you" (加官進祿) which is commonly found on cash coin-shaped charms and lock charms.
The God of Prosperity if a member of the Taoist 3 immortals.[96][97]
God of Thunder 雷神 / 雷公 雷神 / 雷公 Léi shén / Léi gōng The punishment of humans that have committed certain types criminal offences as well evil spirits which have harmed human beings. Leigong is usually featured on Taoist numismatic charms in the form of the inscription "O Thunder God, destroy devils, subdue bogies, and drive away evil influences. Receive this command of Tai Shang Lao Qun (Lao Zi) and execute it as fast as Lü Ling (a famous runner of the Zhou dynasty)" (Traditional Chinese: 雷霆八部,誅鬼降精,斬妖辟邪,永保神清,奉太上老君,急急如律令,敕。; Hanyu Pinyin: Léi Tíng bā bù, zhū guǐ jiàng jīng, zhǎn yāo pì xié, yǒng bǎo shén qīng, fèng tài Shàng Lǎo Jūn, jí jí rú Lǜ Lìng, chì.).[98][99]  
God of War 關帝 / 關公 关帝 / 关公 Guān Dì / Guān Gōng Warding off evil. Guan Yu is an immortalised Chinese general who is often depicted wielding a huge broadsword, he uses this enormous broadsword to fight evil.[100]
God of Wealth 財神 财神 Cái shén Wealth and success.[101] Caishen is usually depicted either carrying or being surrounded by cash coins, sycees, coral and other symbols the ancient Chinese associated with wealth.
Gods of Peace and Harmony[x] 和合二仙 和合二仙 Hé hé èr xiān Peace and harmony.[102] Han Shan (寒山) is usually depicted holding a round container, the Ruyi sceptre, a calabash, cash coins, a persimmon, Etc. While the other twin Shi De (拾得) usually is depicted holding a lotus flower.
Goldfish 金魚 金鱼 Jīn yú An abundance of wealth. The first character in the Mandarin Chinese name for "goldfish" means "gold" (金, jīn), while second character in "goldfish" means "fish" which has a similar pronunciation as the Mandarin Chinese words for "jade" (玉, ) and the Mandarin Chinese term for "abundance" or "surplus" (余, ).[103]Chinesehoroscop-e Lucky Fish in Feng Shui - Fish in Chinese Culture. Retrieved: 28 July 2018.</ref>
Gourd 葫蘆 葫芦 Hú lu Protection or being guarded from something.
To bless or a blessing.
Happiness and attaining a high rank in the imperial examination system.
Fertility, having many sons and grandsons.
The first Hanzi symbol in the Mandarin Chinese term for "gourd" (葫蘆, hú lu) is homonymous to the Mandarin Chinese term for "to protect" or "to guard" (護, ).
The first Hanzi symbol in the Mandarin Chinese term for "gourd" sounds like the Mandarin Chinese term for "blessing" (祜, ).[104]
In some varieties of the Chinese languages their word for "gourd" (葫蘆) sounds alike to the terms for "happiness and rank (as in attaining a high government office)" (福祿).
Trailing vines of calabashes are named in Mandarin Chinese with the Hanzi character "蔓", which can also be a homonym to the Mandarin Chinese word for "ten thousand" (萬, wàn), and due to the fact that the calabash contains a lot of seeds they are associated with having lots of (grand)children.
螽斯 螽斯 Zhōng sī Fertility and procreation. Grasshoppers are associated with fertility because like to gather together in a manner similar to a human extended family, and they reproduce in large quantities.
Grasshoppers were raised by ancient Chinese children for fun during the summer and autumn.
The Chinese katydid or long-horned grasshopper has musical abilities akin to a musical instrument by simply rubbing its wings together to create "music".
An example of a Chinese charm that uses a grasshopper would be one with the inscription which could be translated as "may your children be as numerous as grasshoppers" (螽斯衍慶, zhōng sī yǎn qìng).
Halberd Good luck.
Attaining a high rank through the imperial examination system.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "halberd" (戟, ) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese term for "lucky" or "auspicious" (吉, ).
The Mandarin Chinese word for "halberd" sounds like the Mandarin Chinese term for "rank" or "grade" (級, ), which in this context refers to the rank of a government official.[107][108]
Horse Strength, stamina (or perseverance), and speed.
If a horse is shown holding scrolls these represent the Yellow River Map which brought the origins of Chinese culture to Fuxi.[109]
The Mongols.
Horses are one of the twelve animals represented in the Chinese zodiacs.[110]
Horses are associated with strength because of their physical endurance.
Horses are associated with the nomadic Mongol people who were the dominant class in the society of the Yuan dynasty.
Further reading: Horse in Chinese mythology.
Horse saddle Ān Peace. Horse saddles are associated with peace because the Mandarin Chinese word for "saddle" (鞍, ān) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "peace" (安, ān).[111]
Kitchen God[112][113][114] 灶君 灶君 Zào Jūn Protection of the hearth and family. The Kitchen God is the most important of a plethora of Chinese domestic gods in Chinese folk religion, Chinese mythology, and Taoism.
Lion Shī Majesty and raw strength.
High government positions and officials.
Male lions are usually seen playing with a ball while female lions are depicted playing with her offspring.
Great wealth.
Gautama Buddha.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "lion" (獅, shī) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "teacher", "master", "tutor", or "preceptor" (師, shī) which could be associated with archaic governmental titles such as "Senior Grand Tutor" (太師, tài shī) and "Junior Preceptor" (少師, shào shī) which explain why lions are associated with high government positions.
Ancient Chinese customs such as the lion dance]] (獅子舞)[115] and symbols depicting lions are based on an older legend where the ancient Chinese people believed that if a lion were to enter a house's gates that great fortune shall be bestowed upon its residents.
In Buddhism lions are depicted as the guardians of that religion and a symbol of Buddhist kings, and many Buddhist deities are depicted riding a lion.[116][117]
Gautama Buddha is believed to have been reincarnated ten times as a lion.
See also: Cultural depictions of lions.
Liu Haichan and Jin Chan 劉海戲蟾 刘海戏蟾 Liú hǎi xì chán Wealth and prosperity. Please see the information described at Chinese numismatic charm#Liu Haichan and the Three-Legged Toad charms above.
Longevity stone 長壽石 长寿石 Cháng shòu shí Longevity. Longevity stones are usually depicted next to images of linzhi mushrooms often at the bottom of the Chinese numismatic charm, amulet, or talisman that features them, longevity stones are odd-shaped rocks associated with longevity due to the fact that they’re old.
Lotus 蓮花 / 荷花 莲花 / 荷花 Lián huā / Hé huā Purity and being detached from all earthly cares.
Continuous harmony.
The 7th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar (or the farmer's calendar).
Harmony in marriage and coitus.
Having lots of children continuously (lotus seeds).[118]
Gautama Buddha is often shown sitting on a lotus.[119]
The Mandarin Chinese one of the words for "lotus" is lián huā (蓮花) which has a primary Hanzi character that is pronounced similar to the Mandarin Chinese word for "continuous" (連, lián), meanwhile the first Hanzi character in another term for "lotus" which is pronounced as (荷) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese word for "harmony" (和, ).
When a lotus pod is shown on the same Chinese numismatic charm as a lotus stem this is used as a symbol for a harmonious marriage and having sexual intercourse.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "lotus seeds" (蓮籽, lián zǐ) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese phrase "continuously giving birth to children" (連子, lián zi).
Lozenge 方勝 方胜 Fāng shèng The lozenge is one of the Chinese 8 treasures associated with good luck.[120]
If two lozenges are interlocked they symbolise an ancient Chinese musical instrument.
People cooperating with each other.
It is (currently) still unclear why lozenges are associated with good luck.
The lozenges when two are interlocked symbolise this ancient Chinese musical instrument due to their diamond-shape.
Two interlocked lozenges symbolise two hearts working together with a single mindset.
Magpie 喜鵲 喜鹊 Xǐ què Happiness.[y]
There are several Chinese sayings associated with magpies which could be conveyed by using images of a magpie or magpies in a rebus.
The first character in the Mandarin Chinese word for "magpie" (喜鵲, xǐ què) is synonymous to the Mandarin Chinese word for "happiness" (喜).[121]
The association of two magpies with matrimony comes from an old Chinese tale where the herder of oxen (牛郎) and the weaving maiden (織女)[z] who were two celestials that were in love with each other but were forever separated from each other except for a single day every year that falls on Qixi.[aa] During this festival they were allowed to meet each other on bridge made of magpies that was on top of a heavenly river.[122]
Some of these Chinese sayings include "there is a happy bird (magpie) on the tip of the plum branch" (喜上梅稍, xǐ shàng méi shāo) which has a homonymous sound to the other Chinese saying "happiness up to one's eyebrows" (喜上眉稍, xǐ shàng méi shāo).
Mirror 銅鏡 铜镜 Tóng jìng Good luck and protection from demons and evil spirts.
A harmonious marriage.
The (bronze) mirror is one of the Chinese 8 treasures.
The ancient Chinese believed that if a demon or evil spirit would see a mirror that they would be scared of their own reflection and run away.
Bronze mirrors alongside shoes were included as traditional Chinese wedding gifts because of the fact that in Mandarin Chinese their names could be a pun as the Mandarin Chinese words for "bronze mirror" (銅鏡, tóng jìng) and "shoes" (鞋, xié) sound like "together and in harmony" (同諧, tóng xié).
Money tree 搖錢樹 摇钱树 Yáo qián shù Wealth, riches, and treasures.[123] See Chinese numismatic charm#Chinese money trees for more detailed information.  
Monkey Hóu The monkey is one of the 12 animals represented as a Chinese zodiac.
The Monkey King
The Monkey King or "Sun Wukong" (孫悟空) Is a character from the Ming dynasty era novel Journey to the West.[124]
Further reading: Monkeys in Chinese culture.
Monkey riding a horse[ab] 馬上風猴 马上风猴 Mǎ shàng fēng hóu If a monkey is depicted during on top of a horse it’s a visual pun for a wish to be immediately promoted and receive a high rank.[125] The reason why a monkey riding on top of a horse is a visual pun for the Mandarin Chinese phrase mǎ shàng fēng hóu (馬上風猴) is because the first to Hanzi characters of the inscription could mean both "on the horse" as well as "at once", the third Hanzi character which is the Mandarin Chinese word for "wind" or "breeze" is pronounced similar as the word for "to grant a title" (封, fēng), and the final Hanzi character means "monkey" which is pronounced very similar as the word for "marquis" (侯, hóu) which is associated with "a high rank".
Yuè In Chinese mythology the moon is the residence of Jin Chan.
In Taoist mythology the "Jade Rabbit" (also known as the "Moon Hare") lives on the moon, this rabbit is known for making the elixir of immortality.[126]
The moon is often a location for various figures from Chinese mythology.  
Mountain Shān Limitlessness. In Chinese mythology the mountains are the places closest to the Gods.
(Artemisia Leaf)
Ài The mugworth is a member of one of the Chinese 8 treasures.
Protection from harm.[127]
The mugworth is associated with longevity because of its usage in traditional Chinese medicine.
In ancient China people used to hang mugworths on their doors because they believed that the scent or aroma of the plant would repel bugs such as insects and that because it's shaped like the claws of a tiger it would protect the residence of the place where the mugworth was hung.
Narcissus 水仙 水仙 Shuǐ xiān Immortals.[ac]
A common Chinese rebus or visualised pun using a narcissus would contain the image of a narcissus with a stone, and a bamboo plant. The meaning of this visual would be "the immortals" (symbolised by a narcissus) "wish" (the pun here is bamboo = wish) "for you" to have a "long life" (the stone in this context would be "a longevity stone"). This is considered to be a very auspicious and felicitous saying by Chinese people.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "narcissus" (水仙, shuǐ xiān) means "water immortal".[128]
Nine (9) Jiǔ Forever. The Mandarin Chinese word for the number "nine" (九, jiǔ) is homonymous with the Mandarin Chinese word for "forever" or "long lasting" (久, jiǔ).[129][130]
Nine Similitudes 九如 九如 Jiǔ rú The nine similitudes are associated with the congratulatory greeting: "May you be as the mountains and the hills, as the greater (taller) and the lesser (shorter) heights, as the river streams which flow in all directions, having the constancy of the moon in the sky, like the rising sun which brings us the day, with the longevity of the southern mountain and the green luxuriance of the fir and the cypress." which wishes for the greeted person to be blessed with luxury, wealth, and (of course) longevity. The nine similitudes are from the Classic of Poetry which is a book that incorporates music, poetry, and hymns from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Zhou dynasty.[131]
Onion Cōng Intelligence and wit. The Mandarin Chinese word for "onion" (蔥, cōng) sounds like Mandarin Chinese word for "clever" or "intelligent" (聰明 , cōng míng).[132]
Orange Good luck and good fortune. The orange is associated with good fortune because it is the colour orange.
The Hanzi character for orange is "桔" which contains the two Hanzi characters "木" (which could be translated into English as "tree") and "吉" (which clue be translated into English as "lucky" or "auspicious").[133]
Orchid Lán Being humble, modest, beautiful, and refined.
Female beauty.[134][135][136][137]
The orchid is a member of the Four Gentlemen.
(or Chinese cinnamon)
Guì "preciousness" and "honour".
The Mandarin Chinese word for an "osmanthus blossom" (桂, guì) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese term for "something that is precious" or "something that is of value" (貴, guì).
The scent of the Osmanthus fragrans is associated with fragrance (or an "honourable life").[138][139][140]
(Water Buffalo)
Niú The Chinese zodiac "ox".
If a young man or boy is depicted riding an ox this represents a young Zhu Yuanzhang, a poor agrarian boy who would later found the Ming dynasty.[141]
Harvest, fertility, and springtime.
A simple and idyllic life (to city dwellers as well as officials employed by the government).
The ox is one of the twelve animals represented as a Chinese zodiac.
Due to the fact that oxen are important to agricultural development they’re associated with harvests, fertility, and the springtime.
Peach Táo Marriage, springtime, longevity, justice, and Taoist immortality.
The second month of the Chinese lunisolar famer's calendar.
The peach is a member of the Chinese "three plenties", which are also known as the Chinese "three abundances".
Protection from demons.
Peaches are associated with longevity because of the peaches of immortality.[142]
The Peach is associated with weaponry such as arrows and swords because peach wood was used to make these things (and amulets) in China during the antique period due to the fact that the Mandarin Chinese word for "peach" (桃, táo) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese term for "to flee", "to retreat", or "to run away" (逃, táo).
The ancient Chinese people believed that the timber of peach trees could keep demons away because the Mandarin Chinese word for "peach" sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "to eliminate" (淘, táo).[143]
Peacock 孔雀 孔雀 Kǒng què A desire for prosperity and peaceful times.
Dignity paired with beauty.
High rank.
The Queen Mother of the West is sometimes depicted riding a peacock.
The ancient Chinese people believed that a single glance of a peacock would instantly make a woman pregnant.
During Ming and Qing dynasties the seniority of an official could be deduced by how many peacock feathers they had on their hat.[144][145]
Peanut 花生 花生 Huā shēng Fertility. The second Hanzi character in the Mandarin Chinese word for "peanut" which is "生" also is synonymous with the term "to give birth".[146]
Peony 牡丹 / 富貴花 牡丹 / 富贵花 Mǔ dān / Fù guì huā Longevity, happiness, eternally lasting beauty,[147] and loyalty.
The third month of the Chinese lunisolar famer's calendar.
Economic prosperity and wealth.[148]
The double manner in which peonies grow resemble strings of Chinese cash coins which is why they’re associated with richness, this is also the origin of the alternative Mandarin Chinese name for the peony "fù guì huā" (富貴花).
Peony in a vase 牡丹花瓶 牡丹花瓶 Mǔ dān huā píng If a peony is depicted inside of a vase it symbolises economic wealth and prosperity during peacetime. The Mandarin Chinese word for "peony" (牡丹, mǔ dān) can be translated as "the flower of wealth and honour", while the Mandarin Chinese word for "vase" (瓶, píng) is a homophonic pun with "peace" (平安, píng ān).
Persimmon Shì The persimmon is considered to be an auspicious symbol in Chinese art due to the fact that it has an orange colour and round shape.
Official matters.
A gentleman or an official employed by the government.
If a persimmon is paired with an apple in a Chinese numismatic charm or amulet then it symbolises that one's matters shall be safe in the form of a rebus.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "persimmon" (柿, shì) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "matters, affairs or events" (事, shì).
The Mandarin Chinese word for "persimmon" sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "official" or "gentleman" (仕, shì).
The Mandarin Chinese word for "apple" (蘋果, píng guǒ) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "safety" (平安, píng ān) forming a visual pun that symbolises the saying "may your matters be safe" (事平安, shì píng ān).[149][150][151][152]
(may also be depicted as a Boar or a Hog.)
Zhū The pig (or boar) belongs to the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.[153]
Economic prosperity and good luck to families that have the financial capabilities to afford food of high quality.
Protection from evil spirits.
The reason pigs are associated with a protection from evil is because of an ancient Chinese tradition where parents would let their sons wear pig-themed shoes and hats to fool evil spirits into thinking that the boy was a pig and would be left alone.[154][155][156]  
Pine tree Sōng Longevity.
Protection of the dead.
The pine tree is one of the Chinese Three Friends of Winter.
The reason why pine trees are associated with longevity in China is because they can endure very rough weather during the winter.
The reason why the ancient Chinese people believed that pine trees protected the dead was because they believed that a creature named Wang Xiang (罔象) loved devouring the brains of dead people but was afraid of pine trees, due to this associated the ancient Chinese often planted pine trees near graveyards.[157][158]
Plum Méi Hopefulness and courageousness.
The first month of the Chinese lunisolar famer's calendar.
The petals of a plum blossom symbolise the Chinese five blessings.[159]
The plum is one of the Chinese Three Friends of Winter.[160]
The ancient Chinese associated plums with courage due to the fact that plums blossom first while the winter still poses a threat to its fruits, which is considered to be brave.
Pomegranate 石榴 石榴 Shí liu Fertility.[161]
The pomegranate is a member of the Chinese "three plenties", which are also known as the Chinese "three abundances".
The first sixth of the Chinese lunisolar famer's calendar.
The pomegranate is associated with fertility for two reasons, one of those reasons is because pomegranates have lots of seeds and the other reason is the fact that the first Hanzi character Mandarin Chinese word for "pomegranate" (石榴, shí liu) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese term for "generations" (世, shì) as in "generations of descendants".
Prawn[ad] Xiā Happiness and laughter. Imagery of prawns are considered to be auspicious in Chinese art because the Chinese character for "prawn" (蝦) is pronounced as xiā in Mandarin Chinese and haa in Yuè Chinese (Cantonese) which are both very similar to the sound people make when they laugh (ha ha ha).[162][163][164]
Pumpkin 南瓜 南瓜 Nán guā A desire to produce male offspring. The first Hanzi character Mandarin Chinese word for "pumpkin" (南, nán ; meaning south) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "boy" or "male" (男, nán).
("Chinese Unicorn")
麒麟 麒麟 Qílín Benevolence, goodwill, good fortune, and prosperity.
The west and autumn.
The Qilin was believed by the ancient Chinese people to appear every time a new sage was born, for example the birth of Confucius. For this reason Qilin are often depicted delivering babies on Chinese numismatic charms and amulets.[165][166][167][168][169]
Quail 鵪鶉 鹌鹑 Ān chún Courage.
The quail is associated with courage due to the fact that it has a very combatitive attitude.
The first Hanzi character in the Mandarin Chinese word for "quail" (鵪鶉, ān chún) can be used in a homophonic pun for "peace" (安, ān).[170]
(Bunny or hare)
兔子 兔子 Tù zi Longevity.
The rabbit (or hare) belongs to the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.
The reason that rabbits are associated with longevity in Chinese numismatic charms, amulets, and talismans is because in Taoist mythology the elixir of immortality is prepared by the "moon hare", who resides on the moon.[171][172][173][174]  
Rat[175] 老鼠 / 大鼠 老鼠 / 大鼠 Lǎo shǔ / Dà shǔ Abundance, fertility, and wealth.
The rat belongs to the twelve animals that are represented as a Chinese zodiac.
The rat is associated with fertility due to the fact that they have strong reproductive abilities.  
Reed pipe Shēng Giving birth.
Rising a rank.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "reed pipe" (笙, shēng) sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese word meaning "to give birth" (生, shēng).[176]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "reed pipe" sounds similar to the Mandarin Chinese word which could be translated as "to rise" (升, shēng).[177]
Rhinoceros horns 犀角 犀角 Xī jiǎo Happiness.
Rhinoceros horns are considered one of the Chinese eight treasures.[178][179]
The first Hanzi character in the Mandarin Chinese word for "rhinoceros horn" (犀角, xī jiǎo) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "happiness" (喜, ).
Ribbons and fillets Dài Ribbons enhance the miraculous powers of the object they are bound to, and they increase their importance.
Greatness and vastness.
Descendants who enjoy longevity.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "ribbon" or "fillet" (帶, dài) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "generations" (代, dài), and as the Mandarin Chinese word for a fillet which has been attached to an official seal is (綬帶, shòu dài), the first Hanzi character of this term could also be associate with a long life because it sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "longevity" (壽, shòu), combined this means that future generations shall enjoy longevity.
As these ribbons are red they are associated with joy and happiness.[180]
The Mandarin Chinese word for the colour "red" (紅, hóng) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese words for "vast" (洪, hóng) and "great" (宏, hóng).
Ritual baton Ritual batons (also known as wooden clappers or castanets) are usually found on Chinese numismatic charms and amulet as a symbol shaped like an "X".
High rank.
It is thought that these wooden clappers are based off of narrow tablets made from bamboo, jade, ivory, or shark’s skin known as (笏) carried by Chinese officials as authorisation for entrance to the imperial palace, the substance these narrow tablets were made of was dependent on the rank of the Chinese official carrying them.[181][182][183]
Wooden clappers were also associated with one of the eighth immortals, Cao Guojiu (曹國舅).
公雞 公鸡 Gōng jī Frightening demons and bogies.
Good luck.
Intelligence and fame.
The rooster is one of the twelve animals that are represented as Chinese zodiacs.
The five virtues (五德).
The second Hanzi character in the Mandarin Chinese word for "cock" (公雞, gōng jī) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "auspicious" or "lucky" (吉, ).
Cocks symbolize a high rank because their combs look like the hats of a Mandarin.[184]
The Mandarin Chinese term for a "crowing cock" (公鳴, gōng míng) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese term for "intelligence and fame" (功名, gōng míng).
Cocks symbolises the five virtues because its comb makes it resemble a Mandarin (civil); its spurs (martial); how the cock conducts itself during combat (courage); cocks protect their hens (kindness), and cocks are very accurate in heralding the dawn.[185]
Ruyi scepter 如意 如意 Rúyì Power and authority.
Good wishes and prosperity.
The Ruyi scepter is one of the Chinese eight treasures.
The Ruyi scepter in Buddhism and Chinese mythology can grant wishes.[186][187]  
Sanxing 三星 / 福祿壽 三星 / 福禄寿 Sān xīng / Fú Lù Shòu Prosperity, high rank, and longevity. The "three stars" are the Gods of Prosperity (Fu), Status (Lu), and Longevity (Shou) in Chinese religion.[188][189]
Sheep[ae] Yáng Yang energy (from Yin and Yang).
The sun.
Filial piety.
The sheep is one the twelve animals represented as a Chinese zodiac.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "sheep", "ram", and "goat" (羊, yáng) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "Yang energy" (陽, yáng) which could also mean "the sun".
Because lambs kneel when they receive breastfeeding from their mothers this is seen as "filial piety" in Confucianism because it displays submissiveness towards their mother which is one of the principles of the religion (孝, xiào).[190]
Shoes Xié Wealth and economic prosperity.
Harmony (when they are paired with other items or objects).
Fertility and a wish to produce offspring (if lotus shoes are used).
Shoes ae associated with wealth because they are shaped similar to sycees.
Shoes are associated with harmony because the Mandarin Chinese word for "shoes" (鞋, xié) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese words for "together with" (諧, xié) and "in harmony with" (諧, xié).
The reason why lotus shoes are associated with fertility (other than their supposed ability to enhance a woman's gait, make her vagina more narrow, and let her appear more feminine) is because the Mandarin Chinese word for "lotus flower" (蓮, lián) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "continuous" (連, lián).
Six (6) 六 / 陸 六 / 陆 Liù For things to go smoothly.
Good fortune, good luck, and prosperity.
The reason why the number six is used to make things go smoothly is because the Mandarin Chinese word for the number "six" (六, liù) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "to flow" (流, liú),[191][192] based on this association things like Chinese businesses opening and Chinese weddings are usually planned for the sixth of the month, and there exist a saying "Everything goes smoothly with six" (六六大顺, liù liù dà shùn) based on this.[193][194]
The Mandarin Chinese word for "six" also sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "prosperity" (祿, ).
Snake Shé The Chinese zodiac "snake".[195]
Protection from poison (if combined with the other five poisons).[196]
The snake is a member of the twelve animals represented as a Chinese zodiac.
The snake is a member of the Chinese Five Poisons which are a group of animals associated with the ancient Chinese belief that one can only fight poison with poison.
Further reading: Snakes in Chinese mythology.
Spider 蜘蛛 / 蟲喜子 蜘蛛 / 虫喜子 Zhī zhū / Chóng xǐ zǐ Protection from poison (if combined with the other five poisons).
Happiness and/or happy sons.
If a spider is depicted falling from the sky this means "happiness dropping from the sky".
The spider is a member of the Chinese Five Poisons which are a group of animals associated with the ancient Chinese belief that one can only fight poison with poison.
Spiders are associated with happiness because the first Hanzi character one of the Mandarin Chinese terms for "spider" (喜子, xǐ zǐ) means "happiness", the second Hanzi character can also mean "son".[197][198]
Xīng Unknown, although it is argued by Gary Ashkenazy that they might represent the fact that "cash coins were widespread, numerous in quantity, and were distributed throughout the world". Dots or "stars" first started to appear on Chinese cash coins during the Han dynasty, they appeared both on the obverse and reverse side of coins and some cash coins only had a single dot while others had many, these symbols started to become the first Chinese numismatic charms and their usage is continued on subsequent Chinese numismatic charms.  
Stork Guàn Longevity.
Promotion and high rank.
Storks are associated with longevity because the ancient Chinese believed that storks lived a millennium.
Chinese numismatic charms and amulets often depict storks next to pine trees which are another longevity symbol in Chinese art.
Both the Queen Mother of the West and Shouxing, the God of Longevity in Chinese folk religion use storks are their main mode of transportation.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "stork" (鸛, guàn) is a homophonic pun with the Mandarin Chinese words for "government official" (官, guān), "first place" (冠, guàn), and "hat" (冠, guàn) which is why it's associated with high rank and a promotion in government and administrative jobs.
Swallow[199][200] Yàn Good fortune, the spring, and bringing prosperous change. Swallows were seen as bringing "new" to "old" by the ancient Chinese people because they arguably "renovate" areas by constructing their mud nests in the cracks of walls and graves.
Swastika 卐 / 卍 卐 / 卍 Wàn "The myriad of things" or "everything". The swastika Hanzi character is pronounced as wàn (卐 / 卍) which is similar in pronunciation to the Mandarin Chinese word for "ten-thousand" (萬, wàn).[201][202]
Sword Dāo Victory over evil (if the sword is used as a symbol for Lu Dongbin).
Protection against evil spirits and bogies (if the sword is a symbol for Zhong Kui).
See Chinese numismatic charm#Chinese charms and amulets with sword symbolism for more information.  
Sycee[af] 細絲 / 元寶 细丝 / 元宝 Xì sī / Yuán bǎo Wealth.
High rank.
Brightness and purity.
Sycees are a member of the Chinese eight treasures.
During the Mongol Yuan dynasty silver became an official measurement of wealth which is why sycees have become associated with wealth.
The first Hanzi character in the Mandarin Chinese word for sycees "yuanbao" (元寶, yuánbǎo) also means "first" which could be interpreted as being "first place in the imperial exams" which means that you will attain a high rank.
(Yin and Yang symbol)[ag]
太極圖 太极图 Tàijítú The light and the dark, the strong and the weak, the male and the female, Etc. The taijitu is a Taoist symbol that symbolises the basic polarities of the universe.[203][204]  
(or sometimes simply a pot)
The Mandarin Chinese word for "teapot" or simply "pot" (壺, ) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese words for "blessing" (祜, ) and "to protect" (護, ).
Ten Symbols of Longevity[ah] 十壽 十寿 Shí shòu The Ten Symbols of Longevity are:
1. The pine tree (松);
2. The sun (日);
3. The crane (鹤);
4. Water (水);
5. The mountains (山);
6. The clouds (雲);
7. The deer (鹿);
8. The tortoise (龜);
9. The Lingzhi mushroom (靈芝);
10. Bamboo (竹).[205][206][207]
The Ten Symbols of Longevity are all symbols that the ancient Chinese people associated with longevity, the Ten Symbols of Longevity are also very common symbols on Korean art including Korean numismatic charms.
Three Abundances[ai] 三多 三多 Sān duō The Three Abundances are:
1. The peach (which represents longevity);
2. The pomegranate (which represents progeny or descendants);
3. The Buddha's hand (representing longevity and happiness).
The three plenties are three symbols that the ancient Chinese people saw as being auspicious.[208][209]
Three Friends of Winter 歲寒三友 岁寒三友 Suìhán sānyǒu The three friends of winter are:
1. Bamboo;
2. The pine tree;
3. The plum tree.
Steadfastness, perseverance, and resilience.
The scholar-gentleman's ideal in Confucianism.
The three friends of winter are three plants that grow in the winter despite the harsh weather conditions.[210][211][212]
Three Many 福壽三多 福寿三多 Fú shòu sān duō The three many are the desires for:
1. Happiness;
2. Longevity;
3. Descendants.
The three many are three things the ancient Chinese people thought were desirable and auspicious to acquire.[213]
Three Rounds 三圓 三圆 Sān yuán The "three rounds" could be depicted as any grouping of 3 round items, when these are placed together they get the implied meaning of "high rank". The Mandarin Chinese word for "round" (圓, yuán) is a homophonic pun with the word "first" (元, yuán), which in this context refers to getting the highest score and becoming the number one scholarly official to pass the imperial Chinese examination system. The number three in this context could then refer to the three stages of the imperial exams and that one would come first in all three rounds of them.
Tiger[aj] The Chinese zodiac "tiger".
Protection from evil spirits and misfortune as well as heroism.
The tiger is considered to be the ruler of all land animals in Chinese tradition, while the dragon is considered to be the ruler of all sky animals and those in the heavens.
The tiger is one of the animals represented as one of the twelve Chinese zodiacs.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "tiger" (虎, ) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "to protect" (護, ).
Tigers are also associated with protection because they are the guardian spirit of agriculture and the ancient Chinese believed that the tiger could devour "the demon of drought", due to their strength they were also seen as heroic.
Tigers are sometimes included as a member of the Chinese Five Poisons.
Tigers are associated with longevity because the ancient Chinese believed that their hair turned white after five centuries and that they could live up to a millennium.[214][215]
Caishen is sometimes depicted using a tiger as a mode of transportation.
Further reading: Tiger in Chinese culture.
Toad 蟾蜍 / 蟾 蟾蜍 / 蟾 Chán chú / Chán Coins and wealth. In some Chinese languages their word for toad (蟾) sounds like their word for "coin" or "money" (錢).
Tortoise Guī Longevity.
The magnetic north and the season of winter.
Endurance and physical strength.
The divine and divinity.
Tortoises are associated with longevity because they live very long.
Tortoises are associated with divinity because the ancient Chinese believed that the universe was round and had an outer shell shaped like a dome which was akin to what the ancient Chinese believed to be the vault of heaven, the lower body of a tortoise is flat like the ancient Chinese believed the earth to be.
Treasure bowl[ak] 聚寶盆 聚宝盆 Jù bǎo pén Wealth. The the "treasure bowl" is a mythical object that can infinitely reproduce an object placed inside of it, for example if one were to place a golden cash coin inside the bowl the "treasure bowl" will then all of the sudden be completely filled with golden cash coins.[216]
Twelve Ornaments[al] 十二章 十二章 Shí'èr zhāng The Chinese twelve ornaments include:[217]
1. The sun (日), which symbolises enlightenment and is the source of life. Sometimes the sun is represented as
2. The moon (月), which symbolises the passive principle of yin, the moon is sometimes represented as the moon hare.
3. The Constellation of Three Stars (星辰), which symbolises that the Emperor of China represents the entire universe as an unending source of pardon and love.
4. The mountain (山), the mountain symbolises the Emperor of China's ability to rule the world and stability as well as the Wu Xing element of "earth".
5. The (five-clawed) dragon (龍), which symbolises the Emperor of China's dignity and authority, the dragon also represents all animals and beasts.
6. The pheasant (華蟲), symbolises literary refinement and birds.
7. The two goblets (宗彝), symbolising filial piety and imperial loyalty as well as the Wu Xing element of "metal".
8. Seaweed (藻), which represents purity and the leadership of the Emperor of China, it also represents the Wu Xing element of "water".
9. Rice grain (粉米), which symbolises prosperity and fertility, it also represents the Wu Xing element of "wood".
10. Fire (火), fire symbolises intellectual brilliance, the summer solstice, as well as the Wu Xing element of "fire".
11. The Axe-head (黼), which symbolises Emperor of China's power to act decisively and punitively.
12. The Fu symbol (黻), the Fu symbol symbolises collaboration and the power of the Emperor of China to be able distinguishing evil from good and right from wrong. This character is also the alleged source of the Taijitu (or Yin and Yang symbol).
According to the Zhou dynasty era Book of Rites the number twelve is also the number of Heaven, as the Emperor was considered to be "the son of heaven" twelve symbols were chosen to represent his authority.
The renowned writers Lu Xun, Qian Daosun, and Xu Shoushang from the Ministry of Education created the Twelve Symbols national emblem based on these symbols and this national emblem appeared on early coins from the Republic of China.
(or bottle)
Píng Peace and safety.
If a vase is depicted containing a flower from every season this symbol has the implied or hidden meaning of "peace for the entire year".
The Mandarin Chinese word for "vase" (瓶, píng) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "peace" or "safety" (平安, píng ān).[218][219][220]
Willow Liǔ The life of poets and scholars.
Exorcism and "sweeping tombs" during the Qingming Festival.[221]
The parting of ways and the sorrow that follows.
Willow trees are associated with poets and scholars who were inspired while walking among them.
Willow branches are associated with exorcism due to the fact that they were regarded as "magical" by the ancient Chinese people.
Young lads often had green willow branches placed in their hair to prevent them from being reincarnated as a brown-haired dog.
The Mandarin Chinese word for "willow" (柳, liǔ) sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word for "to part" (離, ) which is why willow branches were given to friends and acquaintances who would depart to distant places.[222]
Writing brush and sycee 筆錠 笔锭 Bǐ dìng The hope that everything will go as you wish. The Mandarin Chinese words for "writing brush" (筆, ) and "ingot" (錠, dìng) sound like the Mandarin Chinese term for "certainly" (必定, bì dìng).
Zhenwu 真武 真武 Zhēnwǔ Healing and protection. Zhenwu is a Taoist god associated with healing and protection.[223]  
Zither[105][224] 齊特琴 齐特琴 Qí tè qín Fertility and marital harmony. "Zithers" in this context refer to Guqin and se musical instruments.
An example of a Chinese numismatic charm or amulet displaying the zither-theme would be one with an inscription that could be translated as "with the qin and the se be friendly to her" or "the qin and se zithers warm her heart" (琴瑟友之, qín sè yǒu zhī).

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Notes 📝

  1. Note that bears are very uncommonly used for Chinese numismatic amulets and charms.
  2. The eight-sided holes holes in some charms, amulets, and coins mostly found in Tang and Song dynasty era are referred to as "chestnut holes" or "flower holes".
  3. Similarly the Hanzi character for chrysanthemum also represents the number "nine" (九) due to the fact that they look similar.
  4. The fingered citron is also known as "Buddha's Hand".
  5. In the world of Chinese charms, amulets, and talismans clouds are sometimes referred to as "auspicious clouds" (祥雲, xiáng yún).
  6. Further reading Crane in Chinese mythology.
  7. Deer are one of the most commonly seen animals on Chinese numismatic charms, amulets, and talismans.
  8. When a dragon has five fingers it represents an Emperor, a dragon with only four fingers represents a King.
  9. When a Chinese dragon is conjoined with a Chinese phoenix they symbolise a married couple.
  10. "Eight Precious Things" and the "Eight Auspicious Treasures".
  11. Also in Hinduism and Jainism.
  12. Alternatively known as the "Five Happinesses" or "Five Good Fortunes".
  13. The five poisons are alternatively referred to as the "Five Poisonous Creatures", this term refers to five poisonous creatures which usually include snakes, scorpions, centipedes, toads and spiders. In some variations lizards replace spiders. The "three-legged toad" is often seen as one of the five poisons.
  14. This is even more so the case if the dragon in this context represents the Emperor of China.
  15. They are alternatively known as the Four Heraldic Animals, the Four Directional Animals, or the Four Symbols (四象).
  16. They are alternatively known as the Four Plants of Virtue.
  17. Images of bamboo and a plum together symbolise friendship.
  18. Alternatively known as the glossy ganoderma.
  19. Due to this myth the city of Guangzhou has also adopted the nicknames "the City of Goats" (羊城), "Sheaves of Rice City" (穗城), and "the City of Five Goats" (五羊城).
  20. Alternatively referred to in English the Star of Literature.
  21. He is alternatively known as the "God of Luck" or the "God of Good Fortune and Blessings".
  22. The Chinese God of Longevity is alternatively known as "Shou Lao" (壽老), the "Old Immortal of the South Pole" (南極仙翁), and the "Longevity Star" (壽星).
  23. He is alternatively known as "the God of Rank and Emolument", and "the God of High Ranking Office".
  24. They are alternatively known as "the Gods of Unity and Harmony", "the Laughing Twins", and "the Gods of Mirth" in the English language.
  25. If a magpie is shown upside down this has the same connotations as an upside down bat described above. The same goes for two magpies like two bats are used as in "a pair of magpies" (喜喜) or "a pair of bats" (蝠蝠).
  26. alternatively she is referred to as the "weaving girl".
  27. Written in Chinese as "七夕", in the English language this festival is also known as "the sisters festival" or "the Double Seven".
  28. Sometimes a monkey is shown riding a deer.
  29. The Hanzi character "仙" could be translated as "immortal", this is a reference to the water goddess of the Xiang River (), or the "goddess standing above the waves" (lingbo xianzi).
  30. Known as "shrimp" in American English.
  31. Could also be represented as as a goat or ram.
  32. Sycees are alternatively known as "saddle sycees", "silver sycees", and "drum-shaped sycees".
  33. Also known as the "supreme ultimate symbol".
  34. The "Ten Symbols of Longevity" are alternatively known as the "Ten Longevities" (十壽) in Chinese mythology.
  35. They are alternatively known as "the Three Plenties".
  36. Sometimes depicted as a leopard.
  37. Alternatively referred to as the "treasure basin" in the English language.
  38. These twelve symbols are alternatively called as the "Twelve Symbols of Imperial Authority" or the "Twelve Imperial Symbols" (十二章紋) in the English language.


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