User:G.dallorto/Doge's Palace (Venice) - Capitals

Here are my pictures about Venice

Here are my pictures about the Doge's Palace in Venice

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Palazzo Ducale (Venezia) / The Doge's Palace (Venice) edit

Please click here

Capitelli / Capitals edit

If you can read English, you might enjoy reading the description of these sculptures, one by one, given in 19th century by John Ruskin in his The stones of Venice. You can find the relevant text here (capitals 1-12) and here (capitals 13-37).

00 - Infanzia ed arte del barbiere / Infancy, and the barber's art edit

(Incompleto / Incomplete)

01 - Uccelli / Birds edit

(Incompleto / Incomplete)

02 - Dame e cavalieri / Ladies and Gentlemen edit

(Incompleto / Incomplete)

03 - Putti edit

(Incompleto / Incomplete)

04 - Monarchi / Monarchs edit

05 - Dame / Ladies edit

06 - Virtù / Virtues edit

(In restauro / Undergoing restoration)

07 - Mostri / Monsters edit

(In restauro / Undergoing restoration)

08 - Virtù e vizi / Virtues and vices edit

(In restauro / Undergoing restoration)

09 - Virtù / Virtues edit

10 - Peccati capitali / Deadly sins edit

11 - Uccelli acquatici / Birds edit

12 - Virtù e vizi / Virtues and vices edit

In gran parte una replica ottocentesca / Mostly a 19th century replica.

13 - Teste leonine / Lion heads edit

14 - Quadrupedi / Quadrupeds edit

15 - Dame e cavalieri / Ladies and Gentlemen edit

16 - Razze umane / Human races edit

17 - Sapienti antichi (le arti liberali) / Ancient wise men (Liberal arts) edit

18 - (Colonna angolare) Pianeti e Zodiaco / (Corner pillar) Planets & Zodiac edit

19 - Santi scultori - Sculptors saints edit

20 - Animali da preda / Predators edit

21 Mestieri / Crafts edit

22 - Le età dell'uomo - The Ages of men edit

23 - Popoli della Terra / People of the World edit

24 - Fasi della paternità / Phases in fathering edit

25 - I mesi / Months of the year edit

26 - Dame e cavalieri / Ladies and Gentlemen edit

27 - Frutta e verdura / Fruit and vegetables edit

28 - Virtù e vizi / Virtues and vices edit

29 - Virtù / Virtues edit

30 - Peccati capitali / Deadly sins edit

31 - Mostri / Monsters edit

32 - edit

33 - Vizi e virtù / Vices and virtues edit

34 - Uccelli acquatici / Birds edit

35 - Putti edit

36 - "Capitello della Giustizia" / "Capital of the Justice" edit

37 - Guerrieri / Warriors edit