User:Heb/PRW-DK Personality rights notice for photos taken in Denmark

The subject of this photo, is one or more specific identifiable person(s) in a public place (a portrait as defined below). It is published on the Wikimedia Commons media-archive without consent of the subject(s). Any commercial, political or other use may be considered libelous and the person(s) depicted might sue for an infringement for any and all use that causes them discomfort.

The photographer and uploader to Commons can in no way be held liable in case of any form of use of this photo, even when released under a Wikimedia Commons acceptable license that allow for publication and/or republication and/or reproduction and/or distribution and/or creative derivative works and/or commercial use such as {{Cc-by-sa-3.0}}, should the depicted person(s) be caused discomfort.

Per the governmental Danish Data Protection Agency, "the predominant point of reference, is that any publication of a portrait photograph requires consent [of the person depicted]. The reasoning for this, is that such a publication might provide the depicted person with discomfort, possibly with other information such as name, of the publication for all with access to the internet, and the considerations of this discomfort is judged as more important than a possible interest in publication." A portrait photograph is defined as "a photograph, with the purpose of depicting one or more specific person(s)".