
OSM zoom levels



Level #Tiles Tile width

(° of lon)

m / pixel

(on Equator)

~ Scale

(on screen)

Examples of

areas to represent

Scale displayed Example
0 1 360 156 543 1:500 million whole world -
1 4 180 78 272 1:250 million 5000 km / 3000 mi
2 16 90 39 136 1:150 million subcontinental area 3000 km / 2000 mi
3 64 45 19 568 1:70 million largest country 2000 km / 1000 mi
4 256 22.5 9 784 1:35 million 1000 km / 500 mi
5 1 024 11.25 4 892 1:15 million large African country 500 km / 300 mi
6 4 096 5.625 2 446 1:10 million large European country 200 km / 100 mi
7 16 384 2.813 1 223 1:4 million small country, US state 100 km / 50 mi
8 65 536 1.406 611.496 1:2 million 50 km / 30 mi
9 262 144 0.703 305.748 1:1 million wide area, large metropolitan area 30 km / 20 mi
10 1 048 576 0.352 152.874 1:500 thousand metropolitan area 10 km / 10 mi
11 4 194 304 0.176 76.437 1:250 thousand city 5 km / 5 mi
12 16 777 216 0.088 38.219 1:150 thousand town, or city district 3 km / 2 mi
13 67 108 864 0.044 19.109 1:70 thousand village, or suburb 2 km / 1 mi
14 268 435 456 0.022 9.555 1:35 thousand 1 km / 3000 ft
15 1 073 741 824 0.011 4.777 1:15 thousand small road 500 m / 1000 ft Bornholm2021OSM.png
16 4 294 967 296 0.005 2.389 1:8 thousand street 200 m / 500 ft
17 17 179 869 184 0.003 1.194 1:4 thousand block, park, addresses 100 m / 300 ft
18 68 719 476 736 0.001 0.597 1:2 thousand some buildings, trees 50 m / 200 ft
19 274 877 906 944 0.0005 0.299 1:1 thousand local highway and crossing details 30 m / 100 ft
20 1 099 511 627 776 0.00025 0.149 1:5 hundred A mid-sized building 10 m / 50 ft

Map doppelgängers (look-alikes)
