
This is a gravity model created with data from NASA's GRACE mission. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Texas Center for Space Research.

Physics is involved in the geological processes that occur. When a laboratory experiment is performed to emulate a natural geological process that is geophysics. When a natural process is explained using physics as described in a laboratory that too is geophysics.

The image on the right presents the results of the GRACE mission as a gravity model of the Earth.

"The Grace mission uses twin satellites to make precise gravity-field measurements to study changes on Earth. Signal achievements include the first uniform measurement of Greenland and Antarctic ice mass changes and monthly estimates of water accumulation in the world's river basins."[1]

  1. Alan Buis and Tabatha Thompson (11 December 2007). Amazing Grace Team Receives Prestigious Award. MASA-JPL. Retrieved on 2015-10-21.