
Hi there. My name is Richard Ling. You've probably arrived here by way of the copyright notice on one of my photos.

The photo in question is subject to copyright. However, you may use the photo under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license 2.5. Here is a summary of your obligations under the license:

  • You must display the following copyright notice adjacent to the photo:
Copyright (c) [year] Richard Ling
  • In online formats, you must provide an active hyperlink to the URL, from either (1) the photo itself, or (2) the adjacent copyright notice. For example:
<IMG SRC="..."><BR>
Copyright (c) 2004
<A HREF="">Richard Ling</A>
Which renders like this:

Copyright (c) 2004 Richard Ling

  • In offline or physically printed copies, you must provide the URL, in written form, either adjacent to the photo or in an appropriate credits section.
  • The digital photo file contains in its metadata a copyright notice and a URL to this licensing information; you may not remove the metadata from any digital copy of the photo file.

If you cannot meet the obligations of the license, or do not understand it, feel free to contact me (rling at rling dot com) to discuss alternatives.