Welcome to my Gallery. I don't have a camera yet, so I upload photos by other people, after carefully checking the licenses. This page does not include the images I have moved to Commons from the English Wikipedia (see en:User:Teratornis/Notes#Move some images to Commons).

Images from the United States government


See my notes in w:User:Teratornis/Notes#United States Federal Government images.

Images from EERE/NREL


These are images I uploaded from U.S. government sites of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) or National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The EERE site says its works are public domain:

Wind resource maps


See my notes: w:User:Teratornis/Notes#Wind resource maps

Installed wind power capacity in the United States by state and year


These images show the installed wind power nameplate capacity in MW by state and year. One of the images is an animated GIF, showing the growth in installed capacity year by year.

Images from NASA


I found a higher resolution version of the Mod-2 Wind Turbine Cluster image, so I uploaded it on top of the old one. I also uploaded some images of the NASA/DOE MOD-0 experimental wind turbine at NASA Glenn Research Center's Plum Brook station in Sandusky.

Images from Flickr


These are all photos by other people that I uploaded from Flickr by the procedure on User:Flominator/Flinfo (later I also tried uploading some photos with the Flickr web tools by User:bryan, mostly without success). For a photo on Flickr to be acceptable on Commons, it must be under either of the Creative Commons licenses: cc-by or cc-by-sa. See Commons:Flickr images and Commons:Flickr images/Guide. I created a {{Flickr free}} template to help me search for freely-licensed photos on Flickr. I wrote notes as I learned how to do this, in w:User:Teratornis/Notes#Flickr and User:Teratornis/Flickr examples.

Mars Hill Wind Farm


Fowler Ridge Wind Farm


Huitengxile Wind Farm


Wind turbines on buildings


Sakata Wind Farm, Japan


Nunobiki Plateau Wind Farm, Japan


Yokohama Harbor


Altamont Pass Wind Farm


See my notes in: User:Teratornis/Flickr examples#Altamont Pass Wind Farm and User:Teratornis/Notes#sed command for a Flickr photoset.

Scroby Sands Wind Farm


Lynn and Inner Dowsing Wind Farm


See also
