
Tomas Castelazo



Empecé a hacer fotografía desde los 12 años. 40 años después, sigo con la cámara en mi mano, con mucha experiencia y con mucho camino por delante. La emoción de hacer fotografía el día de hoy es tan intensa como la de aquel día que sostuve mi primer cámara.


I started doing photography when I was 12 years old. 40 years later the camera is still in my hands, with a lot of experience behind me and a long road ahead. The excitement of doing photography today is just as intense as the one of that day that I held my first camera.

My photo equipment:

Canon EOS 20D, Canon EOS 50D, Canon EOS 5D,
From the old days, Canons, F1, A1, etc., Mamiyas: RB67, C220, 330, lenses, al kinds, 4x5 view cameras, plus a bunch of lenses, gizmos, knicknacks, tripods, (and two kids to help lug the gear around)

Visit also my personal website: and

Contact details
Example work

Cool fish (Frigus fishus)

See more of Tomas Castelazo's work: Gallery