User:Yasir72.multan/Color Codes

Color Codes
Months Rich Colors Light Colors Dark Colors
Hex R G B Hex R G B Hex R G B
January #ffa07a 255 160 122 #ffdacc 255 218 204 #ba7357 186 115 87
February #dcc7df 220 199 223 #ede3ef 237 227 239 #a998ab 169 152 171
March #98fb98 152 251 152 #cdefcd 205 254 205 #70ae70 112 174 112
April #b4cae3 180 202 227 #d9e4f1 217 228 204 #8d9eb2 141 158 178
May #ff69b4 255 105 180 #ffb5da 255 181 218 #ba4a82 186 74 130
June #50c878 80 200 120 #a8e4bc 168 228 188 #3d985b 61 152 91
July #40e0d0 64 224 208 #afeeee 175 238 238 #2c9c91 44 156 145
August #dda0dd 238 160 238 #efc0ef 239 192 239 #9f739c 159 115 156
September #ff9900 255 165 0 #ffdead 255 222 173 #c37500 195 117 0
October #eef003 238 240 3 #f9fab3 249 250 179 #aeb000 174 176 0
November #db7093 219 112 147 #edb7c9 237 183 201 #9f4f69 159 79 105
December #00b3ff 135 206 235 #b7e1f3 183 225 243 #0177a9 1 119 169

Usage edit

To access rich color:


Where n = number of month 01,02,03....,12


To access light color:


Where n = number of month 01,02,03....,12


To access dark color:


Where n = number of month 01,02,03....,12


To access Picture of the day:


Where n = name of year e.g, 2024


To access bar:

{{User talk:Yasir72.multan/bar|23|250|#FFA07A|width=300|per=1}}