
Hippos is an archaeological site located in Israel on a hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Between the third century BC and the seventh century AD, Hippos was the site of a Greco-Roman city. Besides the fortified city itself, Hippos controlled a small port facility on the lake and an area of the surrounding countryside. Hippos was part of the Decapolis, or Ten Cities, a group of cities in Roman Palestine that were culturally tied more closely to Greece and Rome than to the Middle East.

Hippos was built on a flat-topped foothill of the Golan Plateau 350 meters above sea level and 2 kilometers east of the Sea of Galilee, near modern Kibbutz Ein Gev. The site is just on the Israeli side of the 1949 UN-demarcated border between Syria and Israel. The surrounding Golan Heights have been under Israeli control since 1967. Today Hippos is part of a demilitarized zone between the Golan Heights and Israel proper.
