
Things - 200 picturable words


// Source: Pictures of these 200 words
// This page shows 1) the words to cover, 2) its status via the section, 3) if it exists on Wikimedia Commons via the color, and 4) the illustration description.
// Done and to upload:


200 basic English words/concepts project !
How to process

The graphist should first show us 5 images (apple ; cat ; swimming ; behind of ; library), with the english word on the bottom. If the result is great, he get the task. Images should be :

  • Format : SVG is strongly encouraged, of course (but PNG may be vertorized by volunteers later);
  • Basic : drawing should be basic (avoid to have too many details = parasites). Such images are really fine, doesn't need more.
  • Style : your set of image have to be in the same graphic style (Manga style encouraged) ;
  • Words : be based on the Basic English wordlist (Basic_English_alphabetical_wordlist 200_Picturable_words ^).
  • Background : transparent background need (or white one) ;
  • English : the english work should be display on the bottom with a easy-to-read font ;
  • Size : each image should be in a square (ex: size 300px/300px) ;
  • Name : Images should have a conventional name, ex with keyword "free" : Free-banana.svg ; Free-tree.svg, etc.
  • Advancement : you should keep a wikipage with the list of the words you plan to do, and enlighting those that you already made.

We need such images, especially for Wikiversity and ease free language teaching/learning.

A such graphic project need to create about 200 - 400 images, by one/some skilled graphist(a), expressing simply (quickly draw in comic/manga style) the most used words (objects, actions, animals, ...). The Greenspun P. may maybe provide support. Yug 07:14, 18 January 2008 (UTC)

See such projects:

Public domain images that you can use freely
Who can do it ?
manga (Wikipe-tan), png, en=ok
best graphist here, SVG, en=ok
Good too, SVG, en=ok
Some SVG, en=ok

I support more Kasuga because his characters are clearly link to Wikimedia and free knowledge share, the manga style (schematic draw) being especialy welcome for this use, but do he work in SVG ? For LadyofHats, I never seen him draw manga characters, but he have amazing skills, and already fully work in SVG format. For Niabot, I don't no if he can talk english, and he just made one amazing SVG-manga.

Page aim

This page aim to propose some keys directions to boost and improve illustrations and maps on Wikimedia projects.

Support Maps conventions

Maps conventions are the key stone of map harmonization and professionalization. Newest Maps Conventions are currently available on :

Code, Patch, Apps which may help!

<to continue>

  • Stat maps: See the amazing online application http://gunn.co.nz/map/ , code by: arthur [at~rob~aze] gunn.co.nz )"
  • Locator maps: See fr:User:Blr
  • Better coded SVG maps.
OpenStreetMap association

OpenStreetMap.org is a very interesting open license world-wide map project: SVG maps are draw online, and have updatable CSS specifying objects' style. (please go to their website to see). Several ways may be walk with them :

  • we currently import SVG roads from their site, to handly recolor them to wikipedia conventions ;
  • Easy: we may ask them to provide a Wikipédia skin according to Wikipedia Exchange maps conventions. Easing importation (see request). In this, [Cloudmade.com]'s Style Editor by MShytikov [will] help us a lot !;
  • Long term: We may FULLY INCLUDE OpenStreetMap in Wikipedia ; request an new "Encyclopedic layer" to let wikigraphists work on it ; etc.

The main aim of this is to get maps with an all-together updatability. To contact them, I use the account/mail/pass Wikigraphist / hugo.lpz+OSM@gmail.com / myfavoritesite. See also : Collaboration_with_Wikipedia ; 2008 video of edits ; Topographic version (SVG) ; Topographic version shadows (Bitmap)

(P.S. Would you like to provide a bit of encouragement to this team and this free project?)

Hide for summarization


Supporting this request, I would also add that images don't need to be only for illustrating the meaning of a word, but they can be also very useful if they illustrate a language learning task, for example, a picture with an attractive city map for a learning task about orientation on the streets. Other pictures which can be very useful for vocabulary or writing learning are drawings with lots of small details. The details should be connected in some way, to make a tematic unity. The images should always be interesting or funny, to make the learning experience more attractive. Sorry, they were just some suggestions. --Javier Carro 16:54, 18 January 2008 (UTC)
I'm not sure if they should always be funny. This might be off-putting for adult learners. Arthena 18:28, 18 January 2008 (UTC)
I agree with Javier Carro, for children and adults as well, images should be : funny and clear. After what I encourage to avoid too lots of small details, which are semantic parasites. Images of such on this page are really fine, doesn't need more. 18:12, 19 January 2008 (UTC)
Well, images with details aren't necessarily "semantic parasites", for example: an image of a person siting on a bench, beside a child playing with a dog, in front of a tree, having behind a lake; is very useful for practising prepositions. Language learning with pictures isn't limited to learn the names of basic objects. You are referring to basic level LL. Furthermore, visual diagrams are also very useful and efficient for vocabulary learning if the learner is interested on a particular field. --Javier Carro 09:54, 20 January 2008 (UTC)
yes, but thes images should not display 3 dogs, all differents, with 3 colors each, with differents eyes, 4 tree on the backgrounds, a beautiful sea, somes birds, and a road with 2 cars : this is useless. The image should display : a child(Subject) + behind (the word) + something (a basic context). No more. 12:33, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

We can now ask both LadyofHats and Kasuga to make 5 try with :
_ apple ; cat ; swimming ; behind of ; library ;
This encouraged to be in SVG, but If Kasuga make a great job in PNG, with easy colors effects, that's will be easely vectorizable. 08:54, 28 January 2008 (UTC)

pfctdayelise Need here

Hello pfctdayelise, can you propose a "price by image" ? I think that such basic images don't need 25US$ each, especially when the request is about one hundred to 6 hundred images, depending on what the graphist will be able to make. I encourage a rate about 4US$ each => 100 = 400US$. But, according to the fact that few graphist are attrackted by this Greenspun project, it may be need to up it.
What price can you confirm your are able to paid before to let Kasuga or LadyofHats involve themselves ? 09:19, 28 January 2008 (UTC)

Niabot says he is capable of the english language at an advanced level (EN-3). Have you contacted this person already? I for my part also uploaded some of my work on Commons, also doing vector works from time to time. --Yamavu 11:03, 13 May 2008 (UTC)

See also
