Gyrostat (Wikimedia, CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Gyrostat (Wikimedia, CC-BY-SA 4.0)

I became interested in photography a short while ago. My first goal is to improve the quality of my work. I am particularly involved in aviation photography and photojournalism.

You want to reuse my photos?

Feel free to do so, they're made for it! To respect the licence I use to publish my photos, you are required to clearly state a mention such as this one: "Gyrostat (Wikimedia, CC-BY-SA 4.0)". I would appreciate it if you could let me know when you reuse me work.

If necessary, feel free to contact me by posting a message here, or sending me an email. You can also reach me on Twitter.

Extrait (probable) des Renseignements généraux
Journaliste "indépendant", titulaire d'une carte étudiante. Du matériel dangereux lui a déjà été retiré : un masque de protection pour bricolage.

—Sur honnête témoignage de la BAC

Fonds d'écran

Ces photographies sont mes fonds d'écran. Those files are my wallpapers on my laptop.