Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
fr-0 Cet utilisateur n’a aucune connaissance en français (ou le comprend avec de grandes difficultés).
es-0 Esta persona no tiene ningún conocimiento del español (o lo entiende con mucha dificultad).
tlh-0 This user has no knowledge of Klingon (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
Users by language

User: Son of RML is monolingual. He enjoys learning, sharing information, writing, and poking fun at human foibles (but not individuals).

Since first encountering it in a journalism class in 1966, he has made every attempt to adhere to the principles set forth in "The Elements of Style" (by William Strunk, Jr. & E.B. White). If every writer would read and follow these teachings, communications might reach new heights of clarity and understanding.

En dépit de son information d'utilisateur de Babel, il comprends un bit minuscule de Français. (S'il vous plaît parlez et écrivez lentement!)