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My name is valeg96, and I am an industrial chemist. I'm mainly interested in chemistry, home chemistry, history, the history of science and chemistry, and old chemistry items and books. As you can see, my interests are pretty much revolving around the same topics, so there's that.

I am currently looking for a fellow volounteer willing to convert PNGs to SVG files, as I'm willing to scan plenty olf old engravings (nature, chemistry, physics, some engineering) from old books (1830s-today) and share them for free on wikicommons. "Why can't you do it on your own?", you may be wondering. Indeed that is a good question, but since I do not like poorly done jobs (and I'm not skilled enough to do it myself, and I'm not very good at metadata or similar things), I'd rather not crowd wikicommons with poorly tool-converted SVGs, and I'd like to invest that time to create a decent looking archive with the collaboration of someone more competent.

If you have suggestions on how to automate the cropping procedure or the uploading of images (by far the most time-intensive work), or about SVGs, you can contact me on various social media.

I apologise in advance if any of this does not meet the standards for wikicommons. Thank you to all the editors, file movers and administrators that keep the stuff I upload in order and fix my clueless mistakes.

Next projects:

Roscoe, H. E.; Ricci, E. Prime Nozioni Di Chimica; Ulrico Hoepli: Milano, 1924.

Wagner, R. Nuovo Trattato Di Chimica Industriale; Ermanno Loescher: Torino, 1875.

Uploads by book edit

Alessandri, P. E. Analisi Volumetrica Applicata Ai Prodotti Commerciali e Industriali; Ulrico Hoepli: Milano, 1895. [Completed] edit