Commons:Country specific consent requirements/table/nl

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The table itself

Toestemming vereist voor actie met betrekking tot een foto van een persoon op een openbare plaats (per land)
Land/gebied Maak een foto Publiceer1 een foto Gebruik commercieel 2 een gepubliceerde foto
Afghanistan No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Argentinië No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Australië No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) Yes
Oostenrijk No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) Yes
België No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
Brazilië Yes Yes Yes
Bulgarije No No Yes
Canada Depends on province Yes (with exceptions) Yes
China, Volksrepubliek No No Yes
China, Republiek No No (with exceptions) Yes
Tsjechië Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Denemarken No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Ethiopië No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
Finland No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Frankrijk Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)[1] Yes
Duitsland No (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Griekenland No No Yes (with exceptions)
Hong Kong Depends on circumstances Depends on circumstances Depends on circumstances
Hongarije Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
IJsland No No (with exceptions) Yes
India No No (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Indonesië Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Iran No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
Ierland No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
Israël No No (with exceptions) Yes
Italië No Yes (with exceptions)[2][3][4] Yes[5]
Japan Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Libië No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
Macau Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Mexico No Yes Yes
Nederland No No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
Nieuw-Zeeland No No Yes
Noorwegen No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Peru No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Philippines No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
Polen No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
Portugal No (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes
Roemenië No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Rusland No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Singapore No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
Slowakije Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Slovenië No No Yes
Zuid-Afrika No No Yes
Zuid-Korea Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Spanje Yes Yes Yes
Zweden No No Yes
Zwitserland Yes Yes Yes
Turkije Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Verenigd Koninkrijk No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) Yes
Verenigde Staten No No Usually (although laws differ by state)
1:In deze context van toestemmingsvereisten verwijst "publiceren" naar "openbaar maken" en staat het los van de term "publiceren" zoals elders kan worden gedefinieerd (bijv. Amerikaans / Brits auteursrecht).

2:In deze context van toestemmingsvereisten staat "commercieel gebruik" los van, en "niet", in verwijzing naar, licentievoorwaarden die commercieel gebruik kunnen verbieden (niet-commerciële licenties). Vaak wordt commercieel gebruik in deze context vergeleken met "redactioneel gebruik", waarbij de eerste verwijst naar reclame- en marketingdoeleinden en de laatste verwijst naar nieuwsrapportage en educatie, zelfs als deze met winstoogmerk is gemaakt.

  1. Laurent, Olivier (23 april 2013). "Protecting the Right to Photograph, or Not to Be Photographed". The New York Times. Retrieved on 15 February 2015.
  2. Italy, Street-Photography and the Law (29 October 2013). Archived from the original on april 13, 2016. Retrieved on 15 February 2015.
  3. Monti, Andrea. Italian Law & Street Photography / What are you allowed to shoot?. Archived from the original on March 17, 2017. Retrieved on 15 February 2015.
  4. Art. 97. Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633 - Protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio (G.U. n.166 del 16 luglio 1941) / Testo consolidato al 6 febbraio 2016 (DLgs 15 gennaio 2016, n. 8). Retrieved on 2020-05-05.
  5. Art. 96. Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633 - Protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio (G.U. n.166 del 16 luglio 1941) / Testo consolidato al 6 febbraio 2016 (DLgs 15 gennaio 2016, n. 8). Retrieved on 2020-05-05.