This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Country specific consent requirements/table and the translation is 100% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Country specific consent requirements/table and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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The table itself

國家/領地 拍攝圖像 出版1或發表圖像 以商業目的2出版或發表圖像
阿富汗 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
阿根廷 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
澳大利亞 No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) Yes
奧地利 No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) Yes
比利時 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
巴西 Yes Yes Yes
保加利亞 No No Yes
加拿大 Depends on province Yes (with exceptions) Yes
中華人民共和國 No No Yes
中華民國 No No (with exceptions) Yes
捷克共和國 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
丹麥 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
衣索比亞 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
芬蘭 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
法國 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)[1] Yes
德國 No (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
希臘 No No Yes (with exceptions)
香港特別行政區 Depends on circumstances Depends on circumstances Depends on circumstances
匈牙利 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
愛爾蘭 No No (with exceptions) Yes
印度 No No (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
印度尼西亚 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Iran No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
愛爾蘭 No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
以色列 No No (with exceptions) Yes
義大利 No Yes (with exceptions)[2][3][4] Yes[5]
日本 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
利比亞 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
澳門特別行政區 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
墨西哥 No Yes Yes
荷蘭 No No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
紐西蘭 No No Yes
挪威 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
秘魯 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
Philippines No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
波蘭 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes
葡萄牙 No (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes
羅馬尼亞 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
俄羅斯 No Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
新加坡 No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions)
斯洛伐克 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
斯洛維尼亞 No No Yes
南非 No No Yes
韓國 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
西班牙 Yes Yes Yes
瑞典 No No Yes
瑞士 Yes Yes Yes
土耳其 Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions) Yes (with exceptions)
英國 No (with exceptions) No (with exceptions) Yes
美國 No No Usually (although laws differ by state)


  1. Laurent, Olivier (23 April 2013). "Protecting the Right to Photograph, or Not to Be Photographed". The New York Times. Retrieved on 15 February 2015.
  2. Italy, Street-Photography and the Law (29 October 2013). Archived from the original on April 13, 2016. Retrieved on 15 February 2015.
  3. Monti, Andrea. Italian Law & Street Photography / What are you allowed to shoot?. Archived from the original on March 17, 2017. Retrieved on 15 February 2015.
  4. Art. 97. Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633 - Protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio (G.U. n.166 del 16 luglio 1941) / Testo consolidato al 6 febbraio 2016 (DLgs 15 gennaio 2016, n. 8). Retrieved on 2020-05-05.
  5. Art. 96. Legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633 - Protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio (G.U. n.166 del 16 luglio 1941) / Testo consolidato al 6 febbraio 2016 (DLgs 15 gennaio 2016, n. 8). Retrieved on 2020-05-05.