Commons:Ajuda suls contenguts multimèdia

This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Media help and the translation is 50% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Media help and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Sus Commons, utilizam lo format Ogg Vorbis pels fichiers àudio e lo format Ogg Theora pels fichièrs vidèo.

Nos agradan mai aquestes formats Ogg que non pas d'autres mai corrents perque son pas protegits per de brevets. Las paginas seguentas vos indican quins logicials e quins codecs vos seràn utils per legir los fichièrs albertjats per Commons.

The latest versions of all major desktop web browsers and Android are able to play uploaded sound files and videos without any additional codecs or software. Mobile devices like iOS use additional software that makes playback on those devices less efficient.

If you are looking for help creating or editing media files, see Commons:Software and Commons:Video/Commons:Audio.

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