2010MiMi became a grandmother in 2010 with the birth of her grandson and was further blessed by the birth of a granddaughter in 2012! These two are the light of her life along with her husband of 37 years and her two daughters! MiMi loves reading Southern United States history and is currently working to get specifically Louisiana Education History published. MiMi worked in the Louisiana Department of Education for 25 years from 1981-2006 under State Superintendents of Education J. Kelly Nix, Thomas G. Clausen, Wilmer S. Cody, Raymond G. Arveson, and Cecil J. Picard. MiMi hopes to bring awareness to the lack of historical information on Louisiana Education History from the mid-1970s through present day. During this time there were several major reform initiatives regarding student assessments, teacher evaluations, school report cards and accountability, state funding for schools, data collection and administrative technology, charter schools, and several other high profile areas.

MiMi's first project is adding descriptive historical information about the Louisiana Department of Education, including pictures of their current location in the Claiborne Building in Baton Rouge.

2010MiMi (talk) 00:10, 27 January 2014 (UTC)

The Louisiana State Claiborne Building houses several state agencies, including the Division of Administration, State Civil Service, Louisiana Department of Education, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Board of Regents, the University of Louisiana System, and several other state agencies.
This obscure work of art by noted sculptor Frank Hayden celebrates education (notice the hands holding books).It used to be on display in the (demolished) Education Building, just outside the office of the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.Today, barely noticed outside the Claiborne Building, it is nearly covered by vegetation and exposed to the elements.
A half-dozen buildings were constructed within a few blocks of the Capitol Building toward the end of former Gov. Mike Foster’s second term. Claiborne Building was one of them and now houses the Department of Education. The old Department of Education building was imploded and a new building built on the site that now houses the Department of Health and Hospitals.
The State Superintend of Education Office is located on the 5th Floor, west side of the Claiborne Building with a view of the Mississippi River/Casino and the State Capitol Building to the south.
The New Louisiana State Capitol was completed in March, 1932, in a mere 14 months and stands on a 27-acre tract. As the tallest state capitol in the United States, the building is 450 feet high with 34 floors. Twenty-five hundred rail cars were needed to bring in the limestone used on the exterior and the interior marbles which came from distant places, including Vermont and Italy. The cost to complete the building was a modest $5 million.

MiMi's second project is to locate biographical information and pictures of former Louisiana State Superintendents of Education. Here are the first two photos:

Thomas G. Clausen, Louisiana State Superintendent of Education, 1984-1988. Original photograph taken by Louisiana Department of Education photographer Cecil Robertson on file with the Louisiana Secretary of State, Historical Resources, Archives
Raymond G. Arveson, Louisiana State Superintendent of Education, 1992-1996. Original photograph taken by Louisiana Department of Education photographer Cecil Robertson on file with the Louisiana Secretary of State, Historical Resources, Archives