Full name: Dheera Venkatraman

Personal website: http://dheera.net/

Twitter: dheeranet

Instagram: dheeranet

Weibo: dheera

Hi! I'm an MIT alum and co-founder and CTO of Robby Technologies, an early-stage startup building autonomous delivery robots, and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I recently graduated with a Ph.D. from MIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department with a thesis on Quantum-mimetic imaging, supervised by Dr. Franco Wong and Prof. Jeffrey Shapiro in the RLE Optical and Quantum Communications Group. My undergrad was at MIT as well.

My side interests include hacking and modifying everything I can get my hands on, travelling, photography, astronomy, tea, (vegetarian) food, traditional and classical music, piano, pipe organ, violin, cycling, hiking, badminton and table tennis.