My name is Udo Ungar, born 1964 in Germany. I´ve been working as a photographer, designer (advertisment), webdesigner and 3D-artist. My favorit occupations are the "Bildjournalismus" (a special german type of people/feature-photography) and designing buildings (my father is an architect). Google me!

Zeche Zollverein Essen edit

Bundeskunsthalle Bonn edit

Fort Douaumont, Verdun, Frankreich edit

Fort Hackenberg, Veckring, Frankreich edit

Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial edit

Kirchenburg Tartlau,Siebenbürgen, Rumänien edit

Autor Dr. Michael Schmidt-Salomon edit

Straßburg 2014 edit

Philipp Möller edit

Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung Säkulare Buskampagne 2019 in Trier edit