Image:Pyrrole2.jpg edit

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Please add license tag(s) (see Commons:Copyright tags for more information) and author/source information. If you did it yourself please say this fact explicitly.

Please add your files to appropriative pages and/or categories where other users could easily find them. For example to Category:Chemical structures.

Please note that SVG is better format for such kind of images.

EugeneZelenko 16:19, 16 February 2006 (UTC)Reply

Image:Bucheon ciyhall.jpg <-> Image:Bucheon cityhall.jpg edit

The first image was tagged with {{Badname}} by User:IGEL who after that uploaded the second image, Image:Bucheon cityhall.jpg without the spelling error in the name. The first file has been deleted. Just so you know what happened to your image. Cheers, NielsF 13:57, 12 July 2006 (UTC)Reply