Category:A. A. van Achterberg Collection

This category contains photographs of Africa kindly donated by Angeline A. van Achterberg (1949-2020), Dutch social anthopologist, to the African Studies Centre Leiden and Wikimedia Commons in 2018-2020. The present collection includes images of Algeria, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Mali, Mauretania, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, and Tunisia from the years 1981 up to 2007. The uploader, Hansmuller (talk) 09:20, 20 December 2022 (UTC)

About the photo donor Angeline van Achterberg (1949-2020)



Angeline van Achterberg wearing a Tuareg dress with Tuareg jewelry in Algeria, 1980s, on the occasion of a camel race.

Angeline van Achterberg (4 April 1949 - 19 February 2020) first trained as a kindergarten schoolteacher, but later she studied art at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam.[1][2] Her travels then inspired her to study social anthropology (Dutch: culturele antropologie) at the University of Amsterdam from 1979 until 1987.[3]

She wanted to do field work with the Tuareg people in North Africa and ended up in Tamanrasset, South Algeria. The master's thesis Van geiten tot goud (From goats to gold) for her graduation in anthropology in 1988 studied the situation of Tuareg women there. She married a Tuareg husband and remained in the Sahara up to 1991, collecting jewelry, beads, leather and ceramics.

As a ceramicist herself, she created paper ceramic bowls and vases, which are now in the collection of the CODA museum at Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.[4][5] Angeline van Achterberg was a founding member of the Sahara Sociëteit Nederland (Dutch Sahara Society) and chair person of its Board (1992-2006).[3]

From 1994 up to 2008 she worked at the Nederlands Centrum voor Inheemse Volken (NCIV, Dutch center for indigenous peoples) in Amsterdam as a contact person for Gender and Africa and a coordinator for the small grants fund.[3] From 2006 to 2009 she studied at Utrecht University and obtained a Master's degree in Applied ethics (Dutch: toegepaste ethiek) with a thesis on moral dilemmas of aid to developing countries.[3]


Angeline van Achterberg - Van geiten naar goud - Universiteit van Amsterdam, Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, 1988

Angeline van Achterberg is the author of various books and articles,[6] including

  • 1988 - Van geiten naar goud : veranderingen in de sociaal-economische positie van Toearegvrouwen in Tamanrasset, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, Doctoraalscriptie, 100 + 4 pagina's, oktober 1988 (MA thesis Anthropology 1988 University of Amsterdam, translated title "From goats to gold: changes in the socio-economic position of Tuareg women in Tamanrasset"), in Dutch
  • 1990 - Edele vrouwen en koene ridders, article in Psychologie, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Feb. 1990), p. 34-38, "Noble Women and Brave Knights", about the Tuareg, in Dutch
  • 1995 - with Arita Baaijens and John O'Carroll: De geur van kamelen, Amsterdam, Stichting Sahara Sociëteit 1995, "The smell of camels", in Dutch
  • 1997 - with Soumaya Naamane Guessous: Er zijn geen echte vrouwen meer : Marokkaanse vrouwen op de grens van traditie en vernieuwing, Migranten Informatief, No. 124 (sep. 1997), p. 22-26, There are no real women anymore: Moroccan women on the border of tradition and innovation, in Dutch
  • 1998-1999 - (ed.) Elles sortent de l'ombre. Première conférence des femmes autochtones d'Afrique / Out of the shadows : the First African Indigenous Women's Conference (FAIWC), Utrecht: International Books ; Chipping Norton : Jon Carpenter, 1998, 1999, 288 pp., in French and English
  • 2001 - Het geheim van de hoodia-cactus : farmaceutische industrie steelt inheemse kennis, Indigo: maandblad van de Stichting Nederlands Centrum voor Inheemse Volken, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Juli 2001),"The secret of the hoodia cactus: pharmaceutical industry is stealing indigenous knowledge", in Dutch
  • 2006 - with Geertje van der Pas, Elly van Kessel and others: Inheemse vrouwen (thema), article in Indigo: tijdschrift over inheemse volken, No. 2 (Spring 2006), p. 12-26. Africa, Australia and South America, "Indigenous women (theme)", in Dutch
  • 2011 - with Kralenstudiegroep: Hart voor kralen : 15 jaar kralenstudiegroep, 2011, "Heart for beads: 15 years Bead Study Group", in Dutch

The present photo collection


Van Achterberg's photo collection here at Wikimedia Commons documents travels in Africa in 1983-1988, 1990s unspecified, 1991-1993, 1996-1998, 2000-2001, and 2004-2005. The uploader, Hansmuller (talk) 22:01, 28 February 2021 (UTC)


Donor declaration


In Dutch:

"Hierbij verklaar ik de auteur en/of eigenaar van de exclusieve auteursrechten
te zijn van alle foto’s, zoals fysiek aangeleverd aan het ASC, door Angeline van
Achterberg, gemaakt tussen 1981 en 2007 tijdens studiereizen in Algerije,
Botswana, Burkina Faso, Kameroen, Mali, Marokko, Mauretanie, Namibie, Niger,


"I hereby declare to be the author and/or owner of the exclusive copyrights
of all photos, as physically supplied to the ASC, by Angeline van
Achterberg, made between 1981 and 2007 during study trips in Algeria,
Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Namibia, Niger,

There was a previous donor permission for "foto's van Afrika" generally (Dutch for "photos of Africa") of 10 October 2019.


  • Descriptions of the images are provided in at least one of the official languages of the relevant countries and in any case in English, French and Dutch. These official languages are, according to Wikipedia articles in English and French, Algeria: Arabic (Berber/Tamazight not available here), Botswana: English (Tswana not available here), Burkina Faso: French, Cameroun: French (80%) and English, Mali: French, Mauritania: Arabic, Morocco: Arabic (Berber/Tamazight not available here), Namibia: English (Afrikaans recognised), Niger: French, Tunesia: Arabic (Berber/Tamazight not available here). For Arabic, please refer to the disclaimer below.
  • However, for practical reasons (the uploader of the present images does not know Arabic) file names are in French or in English and not in Arabic.
  • Glossary of special words used in the descriptions of the photographs


  • Although the author and donor of the present photographs has kindly provided her expertise and the basic descriptions in Dutch, the uploader is responsible for the final descriptive texts and other metadata.
  • The descriptions, depicted places and dates in Arabic have been produced by machine translation (Google Translate) without expert correction and might accordingly contain errors.


  • Usage of these images on Wikimedia projects, main namespace (articles) only, using the tool Glamorous.
  • Usage of these images on Wikimedia projects, using the tool Glamorgan for September 2022.
  • Note that due to temporary and reverted deletions in 2019 and 2020 usage of these images in Wikipedias was reduced, as hyperlinks were destroyed without a log. Renewed placement of images should now be done, by me and others. In general, i would like to reach a usage of at least 10% of all images. Thank you, The uploader, Hansmuller (talk) 08:54, 23 December 2020 (UTC)

Table of contents


TBD = To Be Done
Beware: unfortunately there are two confusing separate numberings of categories: van Achterberg 1 .. 6 and van Achterberg-01 .. -16. So for instance Category:van Achterberg 4Category:van Achterberg-04. The standard default format of the image files is .tif.

Category Country Subjects Period Number of images
van Achterberg 1 Cameroun, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauretanie Cameroun: Yaoundé, Kribi, Bipindi, Bamenda, Burkina Faso: Dori, Gorom-Gorom, Ganda Faou, en route de Dori à Ouagadougou, Mali: Bamako, en route de Bamako pour Ségou, Tougou, Miliamana, Gargando, Arantène, Dori, Léré, en route pour Tin Aicha (Tombouctou), Tissei Koré, Mauretanie: Mberra, Néma, Nouakchott 1996-1997 174 .tif
van Achterberg 2 Maroc Taounate, Slit, Tleta Beni Oulid, Beni Bou Soltane, Al Hoceïma, Rif, Imzouren, Oued Ris, Rouadi, Ifrane Ali, Oued Laou, Chefchaouen, Fez, Ourtzagh 1997 195 .tif
van Achterberg 3 Tunisie Tataouine, Chenini, Ghomrassen, Médinine, Tamezret, Haddej, Matmata, Douz 1997 99 .tif
van Achterberg 4 Tunisie Douz, Nefta, Chott el Jerid, Tozeur 1997 26 .tif
van Achterberg 5 Burkina Faso, Namibie, Botswana Burkina Faso: Boromo, Bobo-Dioulasso, en route de Bobo-Dioulasso à Ouagadougou, Yagdo, Bani, Dori, Namibie: Kalahari, Botswana: Groote Laagte, Namibie: Windhoek 2001, 1997 69 .tif
van Achterberg 6 Burkina Faso, Niger Burkina Faso: Ouagadougou, Niger: Agadez, Tabelot, Niamey 2004-2005 48 .tif
van Achterberg-01 Algérie, Niger Algérie: Biroten, Niger: Assamaka, Arlit, Agadez, Tabalak, Maradi, Zinder, Agadez, Tanout 1985, 1991 90 .tif
van Achterberg-02 Niger Niamey, Agadez 1996-1997 62 .tif
van Achterberg-03 Mali Bamako, Ségou, Macina, Diafarabé, Kouakourou, Mopti 1993 93 .tif
van Achterberg-04 Mali Mopti 1-51: mosque, market, port - Journey by air to Timbouctou 52-56: River Niger, desert - Timbouctou 57-88: hotel Bouctou, market, streets, doors. November-December 1993 88 .jpg
van Achterberg-05 Mali Timbouctou 1-59: Djinguereber mosque, Sidi Yahya sanctuary - Djenné 60-92: river Bani, great mosque. November-December 1993 92 .jpg
van Achterberg-06 Mali Djenné 1-8: market - Bankass 9-15 - Teli (Dogon village) 16-50: village - Kani Konbole 51-67: fields and village, mosque, Toguna - Ende 68-70: storage buildings, bus station - Ségoukoro 71-98: village chief, mosque, grave of Coulibaly, mosque near the River Niger. November-December 1983 98 .jpg
van Achterberg-07 Maroc Please help to (further) identify the locations. Thank you!
No descriptions by Van Achterberg found.
Fez: gate, tanners, city gate Bab Boujloud, female weavers, Medersa Bou Inania, Kairaouine Mosque. Meknes: city gate Bab El Mansour el-Aleuj on El Hedim square, grain storage Héri es Souani, souk shops. Towns: walls and gates, markets, doors, interiors
Beginning of the 1990s 100 .jpg
van Achterberg-08 Maroc Please help to (further) identify the locations. Thank you!
No descriptions by Van Achterberg found.
Pottery, a lady with wool-combs, a spindle, a tapestry on a loom and dyed textiles, a fortified town, a landscape with gorge, 73 Souk El Jadid, Café Restaurant Argana in Marrakech
First half of the 1990s? 98 .jpg
van Achterberg-09 Maroc Please help to (further) identify the locations. Thank you!
No descriptions by Van Achterberg found.
City walls with storks, streets, arch, gate, 12: street with blue shops = Chefchaouen?, fortified small village (ksar) on hill top, town walls, landscapes, minaret, shop.
First half of the 1990s 76 .jpg
van Achterberg-10 Maroc Please help to (further) identify the locations. Thank you!
No descriptions by Van Achterberg found.
A village with women, children and donkeys, a city wall with a gate, a vegetable market near an arcade, bare and snowy mountains, a fortress with an inner court, a tall minaret near the sea, Tanger?, town views, a pottery saleswoman
1990s 46 .jpg
van Achterberg-11 Maroc Please help to (further) identify the locations. Thank you!
File names in English. No descriptions by Van Achterberg found.
On an adventure with camels and their riders in the desert, hills, fortified villages, kasbahs.
1990s? 98 .jpg
van Achterberg-12 Maroc Please help to (further) identify the locations. Thank you!
No descriptions by Van Achterberg found.
Meknes: walls and gate. Marrakech: 30 = "Patisserie Belkabir", market, minaret, mosque, jewelry, city gate. Essaouira: port, mosque.
1990s? 92 .jpg
van Achterberg-13 Algeria M'zab, Beni Isguen 1-17: palmeraie, oasis, houses - M'zab, Ghardaia 18-35: oued, streets, hotel, road - M'zab, Malika (Melika) 36-40: playing children, mother, couscous - M'zab, Djelfa 41-69: desert landscape, a family, demonstration of veil, lady weaving tapestry, family. April-May 1981 69 .jpg
van Achterberg-14 Algeria Tamanrasset 1-10: main street, annual fair - Imlaoulaoun 11-12: rock climbing - Ahaggar 13-28: montains Akar Akar and Hadriane, desert mosque of small rocks, rocks - Tamanrasset 29: men with dromedary 1984 29 - 2 = 27 .jpg
van Achterberg-15 Algeria Ilougan 1 November dromedary race, Oued Sirsouf, Tamanrasset image 1-23, Dar Mouly 24-44, Tassili N'Haggar 46-67, Kel Ahaggar divers 68-76. 1984 & 1987,
5 May 1985,
December 1984,
1985-1986 & 1988
76 .jpg
van Achterberg-16 Algeria Ahaggar, Mertoutek, Garet el Djenoun, In Ezebib, Tamanrasset 1-46,
To Amadghor and Afara: salt production region 47-94.
April 1991,
February 1992
94 .jpg
REMAINING DESCRIPTIONS, BUT IMAGES MISSING ? TBD Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Morocco, The Netherlands, Niger, Tunisia. Missing images Descriptions by Van Achterberg: Algeria, Ahaggar: Travels and encounters, festivities, Tamanrasset, Algiers, Ghardaia, Malia, Metlili Chaama, Beni Isguen, Ksar el Boughari - Canary Islands, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Congrès mondial Amazigh - Morocco, Nador - Algeria: Djanet Serouenout - Morocco, Agadir: African Indigenous Women Conference (AIWC) - The Netherlands, Amsterdam: presentation of AIWC conference proceedings - Cameroon, Yaoundé: African Indigenous Women Conference - Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou: transfer of the secretariat NCIV, Dutch center for indigenous peoples - Niger: Biroten, Agadez, In Gall, In Guezzam, Tighazghin, Garet el Nous, Abalak, Niamey, Taoua, Tanout, Tamesna - Tunisia: Douz, Sfax, Kairouan - Morocco: Taddert 1984-1992, 1994, 1997-1998, 2000, 2004 (577!)

The uploader, Hansmuller (talk) 18:02, 12 November 2021 (UTC)

Photographs of Africa by Angeline A. van Achterberg, social anthropologist, are a kind gift to the African Studies Centre Leiden, and also are released through Wikimedia Commons in 2019 and 2020 under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
attribution share alike
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Attribution: Angeline A. van Achterberg
You are free:
  • to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • to remix – to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
  • attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.
GNU head Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.
VRT Wikimedia

This work is free and may be used by anyone for any purpose. If you wish to use this content, you do not need to request permission as long as you follow any licensing requirements mentioned on this page.

The Wikimedia Foundation has received an e-mail confirming that the copyright holder has approved publication under the terms mentioned on this page. This correspondence has been reviewed by a Volunteer Response Team (VRT) member and stored in our permission archive. The correspondence is available to trusted volunteers as ticket #2019101010004977.

If you have questions about the archived correspondence, please use the VRT noticeboard. Ticket link:
Find other files from the same ticket: SDC query (SPARQL)

Extra for upload


For use in Excel spreadsheet on upload:
Filename, say: "ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 06 - "&Num2&" - "&Desc2&" - "&Loc2&" - "&Date2
Multilingual description, location, date: "{{ar|1="&Ar2&"}}{{fr|1="&Fr2&"}}{{en|1="&En2&"}}{{nl|1="&Nl2&"}}"

Recovery of deleted photos by undeletion requests


Sometimes photos have been deleted by mistake. For their recovery Commons:Undeletion requests/Current requests have been submitted on

September 28, 2021


(Text request: Please undelete this file from Category:A. A. van Achterberg Collection, which should have permission Template:AvanAchterberg. Thanks!, ~~~~)

1. File:ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 1 - 120 - Un griot touareg joue un instrument à cordes. Deux hommes et une femme avec enfant écoutent et sourient - Ganda Faou, Burkina Faso - 9-29 novembre 1996.tif
2. File:ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 6 - 045 - Le désert sur le chemin de Tabelot, au nord-est d'Agadez - janvier 2005.tif
3. File:ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 6 - 046 - Le désert sur le chemin de Tabelot, au nord-est d'Agadez - janvier 2005.tif
4. File:ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 6 - 047 - Trois femmes touaregs et un homme touareg à un puits en béton - Près de Tabelot, Niger - janvier 2005.tif
5. File:ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 6 - 048 - Un groupe de chèvres noires et brunes sur un plat de sable à un coin d'un muret de pierre de glaise - Près de Tabelot, Niger - janvier 2005.tif
6. File:ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 6 - 049 - Préparation pour la cuisson des aliments. Un homme et une femme touareg - Près de Tabelot, Niger - janvier 2005.tif
7. File:ASC Leiden - van Achterberg Collection - 6 - 050 - Deux hommes touaregs en robe bleue et cheches blancs (turbans) - Près de Tabelot, Niger - janvier 2005.tif

Later: Number 1. was deleted at my own request, i forgot! so i retracted my undeletion request for that photo. But i hope the numbers 2 through 7 can still be recovered. Thanks, Hansmuller (talk) 09:49, 1 October 2021 (UTC)
In October 2021 the files 2-7 were restored, thanks! Hansmuller (talk) 07:37, 10 June 2022 (UTC)


  1. Obituary by the Sahara Societeit (Dutch Sahara Society) with a portrait photograph of Van Achterberg in blue wearing Tuareg jewelry, April 2020 (in Dutch) at Consulted on 28 February 2021.
  2. Marina de Regt (2020). Afscheid van Angeline van Achterberg (1949-2020), article in ZemZem, Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en Islam, 16(2) ISSN 1574-6577 (in Dutch). 178-182. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Retrieved on 18 April 2023.
  3. a b c d Angeline Van Achterberg Applied Ethicist & Social Anthropologist Consulted on 28 February 2021.
  4. Angeline van Achterberg - Over haar werk (in Dutch, translated title "Angeline van Achterberg - About her work"), CODA museum Consulted on 28 February 2021.
  5. Angeline van Achterberg - Papier als materiaal (in Dutch, translated title: "Angeline van Achterberg - Paper as a material"), CODA museum Consulted on 28 February 2021.
  6. Documents by Angeline van Achterberg in libraries worldwide