Category:NSAG Collection

This category contains photographs of Africa made by Mr. L. A. van Es, PhD., a medical doctor and Leiden university professor, and his fellow travellers engineer Mr. M. M. U. van Dis and medical doctor Mr. H. F. J. M. Crebolder, all from the Netherlands. They took these photographs during an expedition of the NSAG (Nederlands Studenten Afrika Gezelschap, Dutch Student Africa Society, consisting of thirteen Dutch students) travelling mainly from east to west across North Africa in 1961-1962. The images are a kind gift by them to the African Studies Centre Leiden and Wikimedia Commons in 2019 and 2020.


Route of the NSAG student group through Africa: Cairo - Khartoum - Kampala - Khartoum - Abidjan - Ouagadougou - Bamako - Abidjan - Dakar. Thin lines: road trip. Dashed lines: air travel. Please click to enlarge.
Two girls in beautiful dresses. Nsukka, Nigeria, January 1962.
Boys in white at a cotton market, Maroua, North Cameroon, 1962.
Outdoor reception, University College Ibadan, Nigeria, 1962.
Construction of the Akosombo Dam in the Volta River, near Accra, Ghana, 1962.
Twelve Dutch students of the NSAG company at a DAF truck at University College of Ghana, Legon, Accra. Tower of the Balme Library, February 1962. Harry Crebolder took the picture, so he is missing in the image.
  • Route of the NSAG student group through Africa by truck, from Egypt: Cairo - Abu Simbel/Assuan - Wadi Halfa, to Sudan: Khartoum. By airplane from Sudan: Khartoum to Uganda: Kampala and back. By truck from Sudan: Khartoum - Sennar - El Obeid - Nyala - Golol in the Marra Mountains, to Chad: Abéché - Fort Lamy, to Cameroon: Bongor, to Nigeria: Kano - Zaria - Kaduna - Nsukka - Enugu - Ibadan - Lagos, to Dahomey (later called Benin): Porto Novo, to Togo: Lomé, to Ghana: Accra - Kumasi, and to Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan. By airplane from Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan to Burkina Faso: Ouagadougou, to Mali: Bamako and back to Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan. By airplane: from Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan to Senegal: Dakar. Finally by boat to Italy: Genoa.
  • The three sturdy trucks used by the students were type DAF YA-126, which were borrowed from the Royal Dutch Army.
  • Search photos by location and country

The photographers



Abstract: From November 1961 to April 1962, a group of thirteen Dutch students visited the following African universities: Khartoum (Sudan), Kampala (Uganda), Zaria (Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria), Nsukka (Enugu State, Nigeria) and Dakar (Senegal) on an extensive mainly road trip. The purpose of the trip was to establish contacts with African students. Various group members contributed to this report.
  • Usage of these images on Wikimedia projects, main namespace (articles) only.

Languages used in the photo descriptions

  • Descriptions of the images are provided in at least one of the official languages of the relevant countries and in any case in English and in Dutch. These official languages are, according to Wikipedia country articles in English and French, for Benin (formerly Dahomey): French, lingua franca Fon (no translation in Fon available), Cameroon/Cameroun: English and French, Chad: French and Arabic (lingua franca: Chadian Arabic), Egypt: Arabic, Ghana: English, Ivory Coast: French, Nigeria: English, Senegal: French, lingua franca Wolof (no translation in Wolof available), Sudan: Arabic, Togo: French, Uganda: English and (Ki)Swahili. Photo filenames are not in Arabic or (Ki)Swahili, as the uploader does not know these languages. For the usage of Arabic and (Ki)Swahili in the metadata, please refer to the disclaimer below.


  • The descriptions, names of depicted places and dates in Arabic and (Ki)Swahili have been produced by machine translation (Google Translate) without expert correction and might accordingly contain errors. Although the main metadata (descriptions, locations and dates) in one of the used languages have been carefully checked by the donors, the uploader is solely responsible for any remaining errors. The uploader, Hansmuller (talk) 11:44, 27 November 2020 (UTC)

Ten African universities visited

Country University City Year
Sudan University of Khartoum Khartoum 1961
Uganda Makere University College (now Makere University) Kampala 1961
Nigeria Nigerian College for Arts, Science and Technology
(? University of Northern Nigeria, now Ahmadu Bello University)
Zaria (Kaduna State, North Nigeria) 1962
University of Nigeria Nsukka (Enugu State, East Nigeria)) 1962
University College Ibadan (now University of Ibadan) Ibadan (Oyo State) 1962
University Ife (West Nigeria) Ibadan (Oyo State) 1962
Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi (Ashanti Region) 1962
University of Ghana (formerly University College of Ghana, 1957-1961) Legon, Accra 1962
Ivory Coast Centre d'Etudes Supérieures (Université de Cocody, now Université Félix Houphouët Boigny?) Abidjan 1962
Senegal Université de Dakar (now Université Cheikh-Anta-Diop) Dakar 1962

Table of contents

Category Country Locations and subjects Period Number of images
Crebolder 1 Gibraltar, Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Chad, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal Gibraltar - Egypt: Port Said, Assuan - Sudan: Kartoum, Omdurman, Jebel Mara, Golol, Geneina - Uganda: Kampala - Chad: Bongor - Nigeria: Zaria, Onitsha, Kaduna, Nsukka, Ibadan, Lagos - Ghana: Accra, Kumasi, Elmina, president Kwame Nkrumah at Volta Akosombo dam project - Togo: Lomé - Benin (then Dahomey): Ganvié (Ganvie) - Ivory Coast: Abidjan - Mali - Senegal: Dakar November 1961 - April 1962 101
Crebolder 2 Sudan, Nigeria, Ghana Sudan: Darfur, Jebel Mara crater - Nigeria: Zaria - Ghana: president Nkrumah 1961-1962 42
van Dis 1 Egypt Pyramids of Giza, Cairo: Great Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha (Alabaster Mosque), the Nile, garden, Karnak-Luxor: temples November 1961 21
van Dis 2 Egypt Karnak, Luxor, Valley of the Kings, Abu Simbel, on the way to Assuan November 1961 38
van Dis 3 Egypt, Sudan Egypt: Nile - Sudan: Wadi Halfa, Port Sudan, Suakin, Khartoum: elementary school of girls and boys November 1961 39
van Dis 4 Sudan, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria Sudan: Gezira, Sennar, Um Ruwaba, Golol, Jebel Mara, between Golol and El Geneina, El Geneina, between El Geneina and - Chad: Abéché, between Bongor and - Cameroon: Maroua - Nigeria: Kano, Zaria, Nsukka, Onitsa, Ibadan December 1961 - January 1962 204
van Dis 5 Nigeria, Dahomey (Benin), Ghana, Togo, Senegal Nigeria: Ibadan - Dahomey (Benin): Ganvie - Togo - Ghana: Kumasi, Accra, Akosombo Dam - Ivory Coast: Abidjan - Mali: Bamako, Segor - Senegal: Taiba, Dakar February - April 1962 205
van Es 1 Egypt and Sudan Abu Simbel, Egypt: Small Temple of Hathor and Nefertari and Great Temple of Ramesses II before the relocation, Nile: sailing boat trip.
Buhen, now Lake Nubia, Sudan: Temple of Horus. Khartoum: Presidential Palace, Omdurman: Tomb of Mohamed Ahmed (Mahdi)
November 1961 36
van Es 2 Uganda Kampala: Makere University College, Nalubaale dam in the White Nile, Mulago Referral Hospital, town November - December 1961 30
van Es 3 Sudan Khartoum: Presidential Palace and Primary school, Omdurman: Tomb of Mohamed Ahmed (Mahdi), Bank of the Nile: a farewell party, Gezira: the Gezira Irrigation Scheme December 1961 37
van Es 4 Sudan Al-Jazirah (state), Sennar: people, landscape, a vulture, a baobab, a truck 18-23 December 1961 37
van Es 5 Sudan Golol in the Marra Mountains, West Darfur: waterfall, Zalingei (Zalinjay) in Central Darfur: the market 23-28 December 1961 38
van Es 6 Sudan and Chad Geneina (Al-Junaynah), West Darfur, Sudan: Sudanese people. The border with Chad. Abéché, Ouaddaï, Chad: the market and a wedding 31 December 1961 - 2 January 1962 38
van Es 7 Chad and Cameroon Bongor, Chad: a shepherd with his herd. Maroua, Cameroon: a market 7-8 January 1962 38
van Es 8 Cameroon and Nigeria Far North Region, Cameroon: Logone River, Maroua: a market, a truck with people, "guaranteed Dutch prints". Kano, North West, Nigeria: the hospital of Kano 10-13 January 1962 37
van Es 9 Nigeria Kano, North Nigeria: the Asylum/Psychiatric Hospital Kano, people 13-18 January 1962 38
van Es 10 Nigeria Zaria, Kaduna State: Emir of Zaria, College of Arts, Science and Techology, landscape, people 18-21 January 1962 37
van Es 11 Nigeria Enugu, Enugu State: Nigerians, Dutch students, buildings, ferry over the Niger River 22-30 January 1962 37
van Es 12 Nigeria Onitsha, Benin City and Ibadan: crossing the Niger River, swimming at club WAIFOR, a bronze mask at Ife Museum 31 January - 1 February 1962 35
van Es 13 Nigeria Ibadan and Ibeokuta: a visit to woodcarver Fahey, Ibadan University, actress Murala Okundipe 6-15 February 1962 37
van Es 14 Nigeria and Benin Ibadan or Lagos, Nigeria and Benin (formerly Dahomey): Holland-West-Africa Line, Ministry of Education and Culture 13-17 February 1962 31
van Es 15 Benin Ganvié (Ganvie), Benin (formerly Dahomey): stilt houses on Lake Nokoué, village pillotique 17 February 1962 27
van Es 16a Togo Cotonou: the beach. A girls elementary school 18-21 February 1962 18
van Es 16b Togo and Ghana Togo: fishermen, a music band, children. The border with Ghana, a Ghana beach February 1962 20
van Es 17 Ghana Accra, Akosombo Dam, a visit to the Dam by president Kwame Nkruma, University of Accra 21-late February 1962 29
van Es 17b Ghana Accra: a ferry over the Volta River, University of Accra 21 February - 6 March 1962 10
van Es 18 Ghana and Ivory Coast Accra: University of Accra, Côte d'Ivoire: citizens honouring president Houphouët-Boigny 6-17 March 1962 45
van Es 19a Ivory Coast and Senegal Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: a mosque. Khombole, Senegal: Mme Laffont, pediatrician, instruction for child care and child food 30 March 1962 19
van Es 19b Senegal Khombole: Mme Laffont, pediatrician, instruction child care. Dakar 17-31 March 1962 17
van Es 20 Senegal Île de Gorée: island for the slave trade. Université Cheikh-Anta-Diop, Dakar 26-31 March 1962 34
van Es 21 Senegal Dakar, M'bour: party at Dutch Embassy, Leprosy Center, harbor. Île de Gorée 30-31 March 1962 36
van Es 22 At sea from Senegal to Italy Ship of the Holland West-Africa Line from Dakar, Senegal 1962 17
Total realised November 1961 - after March 1962 1428,
Crebolder 143
van Dis 507
van Es 778

The uploader of the photographs, Hansmuller (talk) 09:04, 18 June 2021 (UTC)


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