Category:Old maps

<nowiki>mapa antiguo; 古地図; carte ancienne; historisk karta; 고지도; régi térkép; antieke kaart; mapa antic; mapa antigo; Altkarte; vanha kartta; antique map; malnova mapo; stará mapa; starinski zemljevid; mappa prodotta in un momento del passato, che non serve più allo scopo per cui è stata realizzata, spesso perché le informazioni in essa contenute sono obsolete, ma che possono essere di interesse artistico o storico; 過去のある時点で作成された地図で、現在は地図としての目的を果たさないが、芸術的又は歴史的に有用でありうる地図; carte produite à un moment donné dans le passé, qui ne sert plus l'objectif pour lequel elle a été faite, souvent parce que les informations qu'elle contient sont obsolètes, mais qui peuvent présenter un intérêt artistique ou historique; kaart die in het verleden is gemaakt, maar die nu niet langer geschikt is, vaak omdat de informatie op de kaart verouderd is, maar nog wel artistieke of historische waarde heeft; карта, созданная когда-то в прошлом, которая больше не служит той цели, для которой она была создана, часто потому, что содержащаяся на ней информация устарела, но может представлять художественный или исторический интерес; mapa elaborado en algún momento del pasado, que ya no sirve para el propósito para el que se hizo, a menudo porque la información que contiene está desactualizada, pero que puede ser de interés artístico o histórico; In der Vergangenheit erstellte Karte, die nicht mehr dem Zweck dient, für den sie erstellt wurde, häufig, weil die darin enthaltenen Informationen veraltet sind, aber von künstlerischem oder historischem Interesse sein können; mapa produzido em algum momento no passado, que não atende mais ao propósito para o qual foi feito, muitas vezes porque as informações nele contidas estão desatualizadas, mas que podem ser de interesse artístico ou histórico; map produced at some time in the past, which no longer serves the purpose for which it was made, often because the information it contains is outdated, but which may be of artistic or historic interest; zemljevid, izdelan nekoč v preteklosti, ki ne služi več namenu, za katerega je bil izdelan, pogosto zato, ker so informacije, ki jih vsebuje, zastarele, vendar je lahko zanimiv z umetniškega ali zgodovinskega vidika; 過去某個時間製作的地圖,不再符合其目的,通常是因為其中包含的信息已過時,但可能具有藝術或歷史意義; kartta, joka on tehty menneenä aikana eikä enää palvele alkuperäistä tarkoitustaan, koska sen sisältämä tieto on vanhentunutta, mutta jolla voi olla taiteellista ja historiallista arvoa; star zemljevid; stari zemljevid; zgodovinski zemljevid; zgodovinska karta; starinska karta; stara karta; Alte Karten; Altkarten; alte Karte; alte Karten; veraltete Karte; antigo mapa; mapa velho; historical map; historic map; old map; Altkarte; historiallinen kartta; staré mapy; oude kaart; verouderde kaart; historische kaart</nowiki>
antique map 
map produced at some time in the past, which no longer serves the purpose for which it was made, often because the information it contains is outdated, but which may be of artistic or historic interest
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Wikidata Q441903
GND ID: 4611904-8
NL CR AUT ID: ph702684
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Use the appropriate category for maps showing all or a large part of <somewhere>. See subcategories for smaller areas:
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<somewhere> on a recently created map [[:Category:Maps of <somewhere>]] or its subcategories
<somewhere> on a map created more than 70 years ago [[:Category:Old maps of <somewhere>]] or its subcategories
the history of <somewhere> on a recently created map [[:Category:Maps of the history of <somewhere>]] or its subcategories
the history of <somewhere> on a map created more than 70 years ago [[:Category:Old maps of the history of <somewhere>]] or its subcategories
This category is for old maps.
Please add maps to the subcategories below, not to this parent category...
For some guidelines on how your map might be categorized see Category talk:Maps.
If you are still unsure how or where to categorize them, then it is OK to put old maps in this higher category.
All old maps should also be sorted to following categories: Category:Maps by century made, Category:Maps by century shown, Category:Maps by cartographer, if known.
See Category:AOMC for overview. AOMC stands for "All Old Maps Categories."


This category has the following 13 subcategories, out of 13 total.

Pages in category "Old maps"

This category contains only the following page.

Media in category "Old maps"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.