Category:Philadelphia in the 1850s
This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.
Media in category "Philadelphia in the 1850s"
The following 30 files are in this category, out of 30 total.
1859 PhiladelphiaLibrary.png 558 × 369; 262 KB
Nineteenth annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. (IA ASPC0005222000).pdf 447 × 662, 20 pages; 1.09 MB
Chestnut Street, East of Fifth, c1856. (4679427998).jpg 2,000 × 1,506; 483 KB
Fire in Philadelphia) - J. Queen LCCN2016649156.jpg 7,644 × 8,980; 10.13 MB
Freedom on Trial exhibit at Liberty Bell Center, Philadelphia, PA, 2022 4.jpg 1,775 × 2,367; 549 KB
Independence Hall in Philadelphia by Ferdinand Richardt, 1858-63.jpg 3,000 × 1,707; 2.83 MB
Odd Fellows Cemetery.png 914 × 695; 506 KB
Passmore Williamson in Moyamensing Prison 1855.jpg 491 × 699; 53 KB
Philadelphia as it is in 1852.djvu 2,220 × 3,640, 476 pages; 18.01 MB
Philadelphia from Girard College - 1850 (4586154163).jpg 715 × 433; 91 KB
Queen Hope Hose Company Philadelphia ca.1857.jpg 696 × 854; 83 KB
Rescue of Jane Johnson.png 1,749 × 1,239; 2.49 MB
Scene at the U.S. Agricultural Society's Fair, Philadelphia, 1856.png 1,365 × 1,024; 3.05 MB
Setting a net for shad LCCN2016648670.jpg 7,893 × 6,076; 9.34 MB
Statistics of the colored people of Philadelphia.djvu 1,968 × 3,119, 21 pages; 380 KB
The bank building marker.jpg 1,755 × 2,075; 529 KB
The Floating Church of the Redeemer, Philadelphia. (4700859664).jpg 1,576 × 2,000; 462 KB