by name | | |
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by recency |
- (new, moved, reopened stations)
- 2013: Bellach, Beringerfeld, Bözingenfeld/Champs-de-Boujean, Lyss Grien, Solothurn Allmend, Mendrisio S.Martino
- 2014: Fribourg/Freiburg Poya, Stabio
- 2015: Neuhausen Rheinfall, Siselen-Finsterhennen
- 2016: Sarnen Nord
- 2017: Aarau Torfeld
- 2019: Châtel-Saint-Denis, Givisiez, Fiesch, Chêne-Bourg, Genève-Eaux-Vives, Genève-Champel, Lancy-Bachet
- 2021: La Chaux-de-Fonds Les Forges
- (to be completed)
by recency (buildings) | |
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by number of tracks |
- 1 (218)
- 2 (441)
- 3 (158)
- 4 (50)
- 5 (44)
- more (ca. 47)
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