Category:Spain photographs taken on 2018-05-07
Media in category "Spain photographs taken on 2018-05-07"
The following 76 files are in this category, out of 76 total.
(Barcelona) Caixa de Pensions i d'Estalvis (Via Laietana, annex building).jpg 6,630 × 8,210; 45.05 MB
(Barcelona) Casa del gremi dels velers.jpg 7,349 × 6,809; 35.12 MB
(Barcelona) Cathedral Interior - Baptismal fonts - Bas-relief of the baptism of Christ.jpg 5,932 × 7,502; 31.56 MB
(Barcelona) Seu de la Caixa de Pensions - Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia.jpg 7,048 × 9,988; 49.26 MB
A Francesc Cambó de Victor Ochoa Via Laietana Barcelona.jpg 5,504 × 8,256; 25.08 MB
Barcelona - Mercat de Sant Josep (la Boqueria) - Entrance.jpg 8,254 × 4,661; 21.44 MB
Barcelona Cathedral - Roof of Cathedral.jpg 8,224 × 7,532; 31.58 MB
Barcelona Cathedral - The fountain of the cloister.jpg 4,429 × 7,504; 35.09 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Altar of Saint Barnhard of Siena 1783-1785.jpg 6,703 × 11,596; 38.62 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Altarpiece of the Transfiguration by Bernat Martorell.jpg 5,101 × 6,551; 28.53 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Baptismal fonts.jpg 4,825 × 7,541; 15.44 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Blessed Pere Tarrés by Montserrat García Rius.jpg 5,106 × 8,068; 20.59 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - carved choir stalls.jpg 7,683 × 6,722; 34.87 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Ceiling and choir.jpg 8,112 × 5,504; 27.89 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of Our Lady of Montserrat.jpg 4,519 × 5,670; 3.29 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of Our Lady of Pilar.jpg 5,376 × 7,010; 28.01 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of Saint Mark by Bernat Vilar 1683-1692.jpg 5,454 × 8,893; 35.71 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of Saint Sebastian and Saint Thecla 1486-1498 Jaume Huguet.jpg 10,886 × 15,465; 74.89 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of Severus of Barcelona by Francesc Santacruz.jpg 7,143 × 8,879; 47.21 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of St. Anthony Abbot 1712.jpg 6,013 × 8,169; 27.79 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph .jpg 4,007 × 5,368; 23.34 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of St. Paul and St. Cajetan.jpg 5,654 × 7,860; 26.05 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Chapel of the Saint Innocents - Table of the altarpiece.jpg 5,185 × 7,440; 15.36 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Grave of Antoni Tallander.jpg 7,929 × 5,717; 37.82 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - L'enterrament de Crist - Josep Llimona i Bruguera 1920.jpg 10,990 × 6,509; 27.89 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Pipe organs.jpg 4,929 × 6,672; 28.4 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Royal tombs in the Cathedral of Barcelona - The Kings.jpg 8,004 × 5,647; 35.17 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Royal tombs in the Cathedral of Barcelona - The Queens.jpg 8,256 × 5,673; 27.8 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Royal tombs in the Cathedral of Barcelona.jpg 8,050 × 4,929; 42.75 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Saint Eulalia of Barcelona by Pedro García de Benavarre.jpg 4,593 × 7,643; 40.8 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Saint Pacian by Joan Roig, and Joan Moxí.jpg 4,646 × 7,675; 27.91 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Saint Pacian in front of the Pope by Joan Roig, and Joan Moxí.jpg 5,106 × 7,247; 25.73 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Santa Llucia chapel - Sepulcher of Bishop Arnau de Gurb.jpg 6,048 × 5,504; 25.33 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Sepulchre of Ramón Berenguer I.jpg 5,504 × 7,152; 24.16 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Sepulchres of Almodis de la Marche.jpg 5,234 × 6,768; 18.31 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Sepulchres of Ramón Berenguer I and Almodis.jpg 5,223 × 4,902; 15.48 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Sepulcre de Manuel Girona, amb grup escultòric de Manel Fuxà.jpg 5,184 × 5,984; 10.27 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Sepulcre del canonge Francesc Desplà.jpg 8,256 × 5,504; 31 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - St. Thecla - 1486.jpg 980 × 2,183; 1.64 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - Statue of Saint Pancrace of Rome.jpg 4,912 × 6,378; 14.27 MB
Barcelona Cathedral Interior - view of the dome.jpg 8,256 × 5,504; 25.04 MB
Cliff with ocean. Cap de Barbaria Formentera.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.45 MB
Donostiako Justizia Jauregia.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 6.28 MB
Laguna Fuente de Piedra mayo 01.jpg 12,544 × 3,584; 10.68 MB
Laguna Fuente de Piedra mayo 03.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.37 MB
Naturaleza viva (42651971024).jpg 2,400 × 1,500; 1.44 MB
P1090645-24x15 (41559779600).jpg 2,400 × 1,500; 1.53 MB
P1090646-24x15 (42464512225).jpg 2,400 × 1,500; 1.43 MB
P1090647-24x15 (41559779080).jpg 2,400 × 1,500; 1.07 MB
P1090671(4x3)-Pinus pinaster (42651971254).jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 1.87 MB
P1090682-24x15 (43367607671).jpg 2,400 × 1,500; 1.26 MB
P1090683-24x15 (43319189012).jpg 2,400 × 1,500; 903 KB
P1090687-24x15-Cistus ladanifer (42463354215).jpg 2,400 × 1,500; 1.12 MB
P1090703(4x3)-Paeonia broteri (41558773990).jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 1.87 MB
P1090704(4x3)-Paeonia broteri (41558773550).jpg 3,304 × 2,479; 1.93 MB
Pinus pinaster (43320148102).jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 1.65 MB
San Paciano de Barcelona (cropped).jpg 3,894 × 5,363; 20.67 MB
Thomisus onustus 03 01.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 6.66 MB
Thomisus onustus 03 02.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 9.82 MB
Thomisus onustus 03 06.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 10.27 MB
Thomisus onustus 03 07.jpg 4,103 × 2,734; 4.91 MB
Tranquility at Cap de Barbaria.jpg 3,709 × 2,782; 2.83 MB