Commons:Category scheme Commons maintenance/zh-hans

This is the category scheme under Wikimedia Common's common scheme and 中文(简体) local category (Category:Commons-zh-hans), which is for all articles in "Commons-" and "Help-namespace".

  • Every "Category:Commons-ISO-LANGUAGE-CODE"(Category:Commons-zh-hans) contains only "Commons-" and "Help-" pages in its language and no other language pages of these namespaces.
  • Subcategories below these language categories should be created only if it is too populated and never in advance.
  • The structure of Category:Commons-en is the sample hierarchy for every other language sub category.
  • Possibly for the sake of internationalization consistency, the hierarchy of each language category (such as "Category:Commons-ISO-LANGUAGE-CODE") would be better to keep the similar category scheme without getting further away from Category:Commons-en.

Click the link to see the definition.

Admins Edit

This way of documenting categories is deprecated and the category scheme presented here was completely outdated.
Please add descriptions directly to the category pages. Internationalisation should be done with {{Mld}} or {{LangSwitch}}.


  1. Category:Commons-zh-hans
    1. Category:Commons Archives -example-
    2. Category:Commons help -example-
    3. Category:Commons maintenance -example-
    4. Category:Commons policies -example-
    5. Category:Commons projects -example-

Wikimedia Commons' common category definition


This category is...

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在这个分类中列出了所有没有标明许可协议状况的图像。你可以在Commons:Unknown找到按上载时间顺序排列的列表。你也可以添加 {{unknown|日期}}.模板到没有标示版权状况的页面。

请注意关注一下没有版权标签的图像。Commons:Untagged images - 现在有3700多幅图像没有版权信息,请帮助整理!

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Local category definition


(If necessary, create your local definition.)

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