Commons:Picture of the Year/2015/R1/v/Tours Saint-Jacques - 195.jpg

Picture of the Year 2015
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Tours Saint-Jacques - 195.jpg

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  1. ArionEstar
  2. Thennicke
  3. Meiræ
  4. Moheen Reeyad
  5. Hugo.arg
  6. ComputerHotline
  7. UAwiki
  8. Cekli829
  9. Tim1965
  10. TheVovaNik
  11. Gepetito
  12. Ludvig14
  13. Liridon
  14. Johnny Freak
  15. Syrio
  16. Simon Burchell
  17. EvergreenFir
  18. Ipoellet
  19. Le ciel est par dessus le toit
  20. RicardoKnows
  21. Bestoernesto
  22. Avertje
  23. Avis28
  24. Daphne mesereum
  25. Tortliena
  26. Sîmbotin
  27. Yoav Nachtailer
  28. Caligatus
  29. Etiennekd
  30. Anarchyte
  31. Abductive
  32. White Master
  33. Polar
  34. PiemanXC
  35. FPP
  36. Stupid Corn
  37. Kapitan110295
  38. GELongstreet
  39. Hardtofindausername
  40. Continua Evoluzione
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  42. Rekowo
  43. DrPZ
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  47. Calakmul2003
  48. Yoshiman6464
  49. NRated
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  51. Stringence
  52. Всевидяче Око
  53. Fraxinus Croat
  54. Chris.astrtas565
  55. Akhenaten0
  56. Sengai Podhuvan
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  58. BD2412
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  67. Молли
  68. Paperoastro
  69. Draco9904
  70. Meltingwood
  71. WPTBR
  72. Anilyaris
  73. Nøkkenbuer
  74. Сергей Сазанков
  75. Erdrokan
  76. Jose Mathew C
  77. Suriyaa Kudo
  78. Koozedine
  79. Winterysteppe
  80. Nandachuva
  81. Smommss
  82. Hedwig von Ebbel
  83. Halibutt
  84. Not Sure
  85. Tamariki
  86. Snow Rise
  87. Grullab
  88. ミランブラジル
  89. 0030520dv
  90. Ist der Name noch frei?
  91. Érico
  92. Suchichi02
  93. Y 6
  94. Ocaso33
  95. Teufel
  96. Slick
  97. TheStrayCat
  98. Vinícius94
  99. Ajpvalente
  100. Jitmem
  101. Blaue Max
  102. FeyBart
  103. B.Thomas95
  104. Cathry
  105. Jariola
  106. Potapt
  107. Peter2006son
  108. שמזן
  109. Jdx
  110. Canon55D
  111. Cranberry Products
  112. Nigmont
  113. Tdl1060
  114. Lystopad
  115. JamesBlond006
  116. Andromedabluesphere440