Intérêts particuliers


Category:Automobiles / Automobile
Category:History of automobiles / Category:Historical automobiles / Historical automobile
Category:Automobile racing

Category:Automotive pioneers
Category:Panhard vehicles

Category:De Dion-Bouton



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  1. Exhaust friendly discussion. Make sure you have tried at least two or three times to politely ask the admin to review their actions or explain them. If English is not your first language, it's okay to ask for someone to help translate. This may take a few weeks, but is critical evidence of good faith.
  2. Assemble your case, this means you have links/diffs for the evidence of misuse of sysop tools and this can be presented as a timeline.
  3. Ensure a complaint on this noticeboard is formatted as a request for specific action, then present the evidence.
  4. If the request is a desysop, you must understand the RFA/desysop process. This requires a consensus before a desysop vote is considered valid. The only exception would be a gross misuse of sysop rights, which is incredibly rare.