Commons:Picture of the Year/2019/R1/v/2017.05.26.-19-Kirnsulzbach--Blaufluegel-Prachtlibelle-Maennchen.jpg

Picture of the Year 2019
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  1. Teemeah
  2. Tom Ja
  3. Amuzujoe
  4. DrPZ
  5. George Chernilevsky
  6. Dostojewskij
  7. Donald Trung
  8. Wuselig
  9. Лапоть
  10. Persia
  11. Tibet Nation
  12. Thomas Kinz
  13. Богдан Панчук
  14. Goodarz Irani
  15. Abductive
  16. NGC 54
  17. Awkwafaba
  18. BD2412
  19. Irvin calicut
  20. Carturo222
  21. ComputerHotline
  22. Nigmont
  23. Cephas
  24. Blackhole78
  25. Daniel Mietchen
  26. Truthanado
  27. A7V2
  28. Plasmaniac
  29. M.Hidan
  30. Schneckal4677
  31. Nightenbelle
  32. Olga-lisenkova
  33. Jeeputer
  34. Accurimbono
  35. Maax
  36. Johnanth
  37. Lhimec
  38. Nann Chhay
  39. Humani65
  40. アズレン
  41. Jubair Sayeed Linas
  42. Reade
  43. Sebastian Garcia D. 2005
  44. ChristianCS20
  45. Deanrah
  46. Vinícius94
  47. A Lambent Eye
  48. Fabe56
  49. GRDN711
  50. Piotr Bart
  51. Nina Flor
  52. Scrawlspacer
  53. Hasley
  54. Mpn
  55. SabreWolfy
  56. Jianhui67
  57. Hatovix
  58. Superyetkin
  59. Aleksey Churushkin
  60. Gazebo
  61. Seven twentynine
  62. PointyOintment
  63. Mr.Amjad.Attal
  64. BeatrixBelibaste