Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Eilat Dolphin Reef (3).jpg

Picture of the Year 2020
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Eilat Dolphin Reef (3).jpg

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  1. Rhododendrites
  2. Di (they-them)
  3. Redalert2fan
  4. King of Hearts
  5. PubliusHadrianus
  6. Migebert
  7. Syrio
  8. Zunter
  9. Reda Kerbouche
  10. AlexKozur
  11. Ham II
  12. Laurent Jerry
  13. IamMM
  14. Le Petit Chat
  15. FraDany
  16. Գարիկ Ավագյան
  17. Alextheconservative
  18. Lam-w
  19. Alejan98
  20. TFerenczy
  21. ScienceFan66
  22. Geoprofi Lars
  23. OwenBlacker
  24. BD2412
  25. Kaffe42
  26. अंजानी
  27. Vigoga 97
  28. Екатерина Борисова
  29. Abductive
  30. Mpn
  31. Lars2019
  32. Pticy uleteli
  33. Mewasul
  34. Good 2001
  35. Kiril Simeonovski
  36. Hike395
  37. Bluerasberry
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  40. Eivind
  41. Mostafameraji
  42. TNstingray
  43. اباالحسن وائل
  44. Herryz
  45. 名字长的让人受不了
  46. TnoXX
  47. Semmendinger
  48. Katya0133
  49. DePlusJean
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  69. StellarHalo
  70. HorizontalTwo08
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  74. Gepardenforellenfischer
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  93. Eritha
  94. AMT5596
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  96. Shizhao
  97. Валерий Морозов
  98. DavidJRasp
  99. Sebastian Wallroth
  100. Ssprmannheim
  101. Breogan2008
  102. RolledOut34
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  109. JukoFF
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  124. MZaplotnik
  125. VulpesVulpes42
  126. Druschba 4
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  128. NayiMuu
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  131. Богдан Панчук
  132. Vitaliy VK
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  134. Predatorix
  135. DrPZ
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  140. Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka
  141. WhatamIdoing
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  143. KimHolgerKelting
  144. ぱたごん
  145. شاه عباس
  146. Wuselig
  147. Daehan
  148. Tmv
  149. AStiasny
  150. Vmv2705
  151. Stylus59
  152. Scrawlspacer
  153. OtuNwachinemere
  154. Tomer T
  155. Сергій Липко
  156. Triggerhippie4
  157. Paj
  158. Alex Blokha
  159. Gres84
  160. Gilc
  161. Nightenbelle
  162. Delusion23
  163. Thgoiter
  164. Spirit of Eagle
  165. Ivanics
  166. GRDN711
  167. Duschgeldrache2
  168. Hamsterlopithecus
  169. Robina Fox
  170. 職員室
  171. Nann Chhay
  172. Liridon
  173. Pioz84
  174. LMPogoda
  175. Hhorus
  176. Aram
  177. Ammonium121
  178. Jonie148
  179. Grullab
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  181. MarcelBuehner
  182. Xenryjake
  183. Joyradost
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  185. ThüringerChatte
  186. Sekundemal
  187. Julio974fr
  188. Erdpferd
  189. Souravdas1998
  190. Wordreader
  191. EZBELLA
  192. Xulescu g
  193. Лапоть
  194. Gap9551
  195. Yoann.abadie
  196. Paul2520
  197. Nguyenhai314
  198. Makendo k
  199. Moosh
  200. Shir-El too
  201. Eryn Blaireová
  202. Jeffrey Beall
  203. BeatrixBelibaste
  204. Nina Flor
  205. Vogone
  206. Mediatus
  207. Iancaddy
  208. Daniel Mietchen
  209. Masum Ibn Musa
  210. 5225C
  211. Hasley
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  213. Ldorfman
  214. Dank · Jay
  215. Geof Sheppard
  216. Tarih
  217. Ahmad252
  218. Donald Trung
  219. Lystopad
  220. Mushushu
  221. Emha
  222. Yodaspirine
  223. Jdx
  224. Geni