Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Raspberry - whole (Rubus idaeus).jpg

Picture of the Year 2020
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Raspberry - whole (Rubus idaeus).jpg - listed
Raspberry - halved (Rubus idaeus).jpg- belongs to file set
Raspberries (Rubus idaeus).jpg- belongs to file set

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  1. ...have registered before Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  1. Frank Schulenburg
  2. Zunter
  3. AlexKozur
  4. Puppe100
  5. Kroton
  6. Firefly
  7. Laurent Jerry
  8. 1234qwer1234qwer4
  9. Kruusamägi
  10. Geher
  11. Andrew-44-19
  12. ScienceFan66
  13. Brigade Piron
  14. Corn cheese
  15. Mr.Dr
  16. AndreiK
  17. Jan Polák
  18. Abductive
  19. BD2412
  20. Dr-Taher
  21. Kaffe42
  22. KrmezljavKuza
  23. Rillke
  24. Bluerasberry
  25. Linshi2
  26. Mostafameraji
  27. SirAvles
  28. Katya0133
  29. Apisite
  30. DePlusJean
  31. Kiril Simeonovski
  32. Semmendinger
  33. Pax85
  34. DiamondIIIXX
  35. Gabriel D. R. Botelho
  36. Bestalex
  37. Валерий-Val
  38. Kvng
  39. Betseg
  40. CaptainEek
  41. Eman235
  42. Devi 4340
  43. Linie29
  44. Snow Rise
  45. George Chernilevsky
  46. Makary
  47. Atamari
  48. Msz2001
  49. EdNg07
  50. Armineaghayan
  51. Soundwaweserb
  52. Buendia22
  53. Abu-Dun
  54. Babu
  55. JukoFF
  56. Aeveraal
  57. Coldbolt
  58. Nickispeaki
  59. El Rayno
  60. Janwo
  61. Filipović Zoran
  62. Razzairpina
  63. Frettie
  64. Drzewianin
  65. Dhx1
  66. Deror avi
  67. UliSchukraft
  68. CrimsonComputer
  69. Богдан Панчук
  70. Citron
  71. Rohieb
  72. Fabiorahamim
  73. Sebastian Wallroth
  74. BSRF
  75. Tomer T
  76. DaSupremo
  77. NicoARicoA
  78. P.H.P. Martins
  79. Amorymeltzer
  80. DrPZ
  81. Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka
  82. GRDN711
  83. A455bcd9
  84. Anandcv
  85. GeXeS
  86. Grullab
  87. MrDolomite
  88. La Mantis
  89. Mitternacht90
  90. MarcelBuehner
  91. Aeffenberger
  92. Julio974fr
  93. GcSwRhIc
  94. Tktktk
  95. Debesyla
  96. Endou subaru
  97. Jakubhal
  98. Gap9551
  99. Grest7
  100. IOIOI
  101. Sasuyan
  102. MS2054
  103. Dostojewskij
  104. BeatrixBelibaste
  105. Arbnos
  106. The Other 95%
  107. Julle
  108. Ата
  109. Paul2520
  110. OmenBreeze
  111. Zoeperkoe
  112. Agnes Monkelbaan
  113. Margret Münster
  114. Soulreaper
  115. HiDrNick
  116. Daniel Case
  117. Daniel Mietchen
  118. Masum Ibn Musa
  119. Draceane
  120. 5225C
  121. P. W. Siebert
  122. Soul Train
  123. Xulescu g
  124. Duschgeldrache2
  125. Rzuwig
  126. Stefdn
  127. Ammonium121
  128. MZaplotnik
  129. Tarih
  130. Ldorfman
  131. Teachix
  132. Libcub
  133. Sammyday
  134. Cyfraw
  135. DragonflySixtyseven
  136. Cybularny
  137. Jdx