Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Wide shot to Mefjordvær in evening, Senja, Troms, Norway, 2015 September.jpg

Picture of the Year 2020
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Wide shot to Mefjordvær in evening, Senja, Troms, Norway, 2015 September.jpg

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  1. Glennfcowan
  2. AlexKozur
  3. Caligatus
  4. BD2412
  5. Kruusamägi
  6. JoshuaKGarner
  7. 9MKTlGZFmU
  8. Rohieb
  9. Nachtbold
  10. Mostafameraji
  11. TFerenczy
  12. Apisite
  13. FunnyCat
  14. Pax85
  15. Mạnh An
  16. Tbhotch
  17. Abductive
  18. Zoeperkoe
  19. D12f05
  20. Nardog
  21. DavidJRasp
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  31. Pavlos1988
  32. Fraxinus
  33. STyx
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  36. Sarah Krichen WMFr
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  50. Ivanics
  51. GRDN711
  52. Donald Trung
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  59. MS2054
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  70. Cathy Richards
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  72. VulpesVulpes42
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  76. Libcub
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  79. Zwd626
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