Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/John P. Robarts Research Library.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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John P. Robarts Research Library.jpg

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  1. Elizaiv22
  2. Jesielt
  3. Wozal
  4. Judisa
  5. MyCatIsAChonk
  6. Shushugah
  7. Another Believer
  8. VeryRarelyStable
  9. BD2412
  10. Betseg
  11. Deltahead
  12. XRay
  13. 名字长的让人受不了
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  155. MarieVirtuElle
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  158. Iancaddy
  159. وهراني
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  163. Hatovix
  164. Zwd626
  165. Solon26125