Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/SJN Di 4 Finneidfjord - Mo i Rana.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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SJN Di 4 Finneidfjord - Mo i Rana.jpg

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  1. Fralambert
  2. Corn cheese
  3. Hhfjbaker
  4. Jacorp14
  5. Red-tailed hawk
  6. Bobamnertiopsis
  7. BD2412
  8. Jupitus Smart
  9. Glennfcowan
  10. Abductive
  11. EggPudding77777
  12. 名字长的让人受不了
  13. Derbrauni
  14. Shizhao
  15. Mib5578
  16. Apisite
  17. Xminor
  18. Pierre André Leclercq
  19. Radomianin
  20. John-Grégoire
  21. Frettie
  22. Coldbolt
  23. RoadTrain
  24. Ib
  25. Nella.hohlova
  26. Festucalex
  27. Иван Дулин
  28. Lvova
  29. 17387349L8764
  30. Wwwwolf
  31. Raellerby
  32. Rita2008
  33. La Mantis
  34. Avtandil
  35. Wlofab
  36. Jklamo
  37. Fiver, der Hellseher
  38. HimSur9
  39. Salicyna
  40. Bnichols23
  41. LucasBrown
  42. BugWarp
  43. Narsilien
  44. Salem Ander
  45. David Jackson
  46. Carotisque
  47. Meno25
  48. Aristeas
  49. Draceane
  50. Kenrick95
  51. Yann
  52. Notafish
  53. Pmk58
  54. Ата
  55. Alexxx1979
  56. Hilarion~frwiki
  57. Ngoclong19
  58. Екатерина Борисова
  59. Le Loy
  60. Marcia Bia
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  64. Adem
  65. Villy Fink Isaksen
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  69. Филин07
  70. The Emperah
  71. DrHolsow
  72. Dorieo
  73. XRay
  74. Strahtw
  75. Gtgith
  76. 19Tarrestnom65
  77. VasuVR
  78. Dirk1981
  79. Saschaporsche
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  81. Pamputt
  82. Xx78900
  83. 613 The Evil
  84. Kiito M
  85. Pinky sl
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  97. LemonOrangeLime
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  99. Wikibenchris
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  108. Jcb-caz-11
  109. Lawrence142002
  110. Vgo61
  111. Хаванцев Иван
  112. Hortensja Bukietowa
  113. Boylarva99
  114. Rohieb
  115. Kasa Fue
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  117. Derkoenig
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  119. Tucvbif
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  121. Liridon
  122. Siren-Com
  123. Piotr Bart
  124. Redalert2fan
  125. KimKelting
  126. Klausness
  127. Poco a poco
  129. Chqaz
  130. Michael Barera
  131. Pyxis Solitary
  132. CristianNX
  133. DaSupremo
  134. Jetstreamer
  135. Jianhui67
  136. Rodrigum
  137. CDB-Man
  138. Nenea hartia
  139. Smartcom5
  140. Monna Ry
  141. Gianfranco
  142. Lord Ya
  143. Guy Delsaut
  144. جهان بینش140
  145. OwenBlacker
  146. Horcrux
  147. Diablo Cris
  148. Eivind
  149. Bärbel Miemietz
  150. Simeon
  151. Estman
  152. Markmark28
  153. Wowzers122
  154. Thisaccountis42
  155. Vardion
  156. PMG
  157. Kiril Simeonovski
  158. Sunnyboi18
  159. Dokuo350
  160. Eltargrim
  161. Godsfriendchuck
  162. Camelia.boban
  163. DePlusJean
  164. Spielvogel
  165. Sadads
  166. Horst J. Meuter
  167. Kiryienka
  168. Captain Galaxy
  169. Zorka Sojka
  170. Fivework
  171. Lystopad
  172. Effeietsanders
  173. JotW
  174. MikyM
  175. Fued Katari
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  178. Gestumblindi
  179. Daniel Case
  180. Gates of Ale
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  193. BuhaM
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  196. Лапоть
  197. Anthere
  198. Pyrlandczyk
  199. Timawesomeness
  200. UnpetitproleX
  201. Rohalamin
  202. Nina Flor
  203. Tintenklecks
  204. Dr.Bookman
  205. Михайло Потупчик
  206. Vincent Simar
  207. Nigmont
  208. Phoe6
  209. Alhadis
  210. KaiBorgeest
  211. Kacamata
  212. Alena Pokorná
  213. Arjuno3
  214. Szagory
  216. 123popos123
  217. MarieVirtuElle
  218. בוב שלג
  219. OrbiliusMagister
  220. Cosmophilus
  221. Jumbojobo66
  222. Lion-hearted85
  223. 1234qwer1234qwer4