Commons:Stroke Order Project/SVG

->214 rad !e
(of 214+116)

Create an SVG containing all radicals, divide in stokes, and correctly ordered and labelled to allow later scripts to work further. Work in progress.

SVG creation process

You can use this to progress further. Yug (talk)
Basic strokes
  • Tools: I use SVG & Inkscape.
  • Collect list: set the largest set of basic strokes => done: 37 strokes (8 basic, 29 complexes)
  • Work to do : draw this 37 strokes into an SVG file
  • Other to do : rename each stroke id according to its code name
  • Status : 90% done.
  • Tools: I use SVG & Inkscape.
  • Collect list: I gathered all radicals (214) and graph elements (116) that Unicode provide in one unique SVG.
  • Vectorisation : I converted their shapes into paths.
  • NOW HERE: Divide: Then, I divide each radical, one after one, into its strokes, together with improving the shape if need (->Stroke order friendly).

I still will have to :

  • SO: Check the stroke order, and order the SVG layers accordingly ;
  • i18l: Add Modern stroke order on the left ; and Japanese stroke order on the right, for cases where the shape is the same, but stroke order differ.
  • Square: add background square in the beyind of each radical. This will later be need to
  • Code: add semantic data. That means :
    • name each stroke such as 戈-t01 (label name)
    • group them into 戈-t (label name)
    • name background square such as rect戈-t (label name)

Scripts ideas


List of SVG function already available.

Common getting started code

All later script first need to be able to extract the radicals all together keep in a All_radicals.svg file. This need a script, such as:

In All_radicals.svg :

  • each radicals is labelled such as label="戈-t", or label="*-*". The first * provide the radical name. The 2nd * provide the country code.
  • this "戈-t" object is the a group <g > containing all 戈 strokes, in the correct order.
  • each radical is in the center, and associate to a background square, with label name being label="rect戈t".
  • this background square provide the referentiel of the radical.
  • the script have to get the value (x;y) of the left-bottom corner of rect戈t , import all the group <g label="戈-t"> into an empty SVG, and subtract (x;y) to the value of each dot of <g label="戈-t"> to get the radicals in the center of the new SVG.

Thus, a series of some hundred of svg is generate. Later scripts are needs to apply a "skin" to these products.

Or embeded SVG technology

Animations (-sbs.svg / -sbs.gif)
  • Need: script adding a line <animate id="*"> to each stroke code, with animation's name and timing according to to both the total of strokes and the specific stroke to colorate.
  • Difficulty: medium.
  • Doc: 'animate' ex. - Specifies color transformations over time. Not yet available.
  • SVG functions, on
    <path id="Stroke01" ...
	    <animate id="a1" attributeName="fill" begin="0.1s;a6.end" dur="3s" 
	    from="grey" to="black" fill="freezebroken"/>
SVG <animate> function explanations.
Aim: generate such animated SVG.
Red Diagrams (-red.png / .svg)
  • Status: Possible.
  • Need: script changing the colour according to both the total of strokes and the specific stroke to colorate.
  • Difficulty: easy.
Diagrams (-bw.png / svg)

Status: Possible.
Need : script making duplicata, translation, coloration (black/grey), according to both the total of strokes and the specific stroke to colorate.
Difficulty: medium.
