Commons:Tartu Art Museum

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Interior of Tartu Art Museum. Exhibition "Changing Tartu in Four Views".

The Tartu Art Museum is a state-owned museum of art located in Tartu, Estonia.

The collaboration with Wikimedia started in the beginning of 2017 with the exhibition "Changing Tartu in Four Views". The cooperation mainly involves providing Wikimedia with high-resolution .tif images of the works from the museum collection where copyright has expired or where it is possible to get a permission from the artist.

From here you can see media contributed by Tartu Art Museum. Donations are mostly linked to specific exhibitions in the museum and there are both .tif and .jpg files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.

Contact persons: Ivo Kruusamägi & Merli-Triin Eiskop.



Exhibition images:

Virtual exhibitions:

Example images



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