



VicuñaUploader (VU) is stand-alone software designed to upload files to Wikimedia Commons and other servers. You don't need to be online to prepare your file set for upload. The software allows you to fill in information about a file individually or for groups of files at once. If the computer is connected to the Internet, several helpful functions are available, such as finding existing category names or adding a template of the coordinates of the photographer's position and the direction of photography.

Document conventions


This is collaborative documentation, so everybody can contribute to it. Below is an explanation of the highlighting used in this text and how to work with it:

  • strike out text – means not valid at the moment, but it's expected to be valid again
  • R1-like links – points to specific section and number to the number of item. So R1 means item 1 in section Requirements
  • code text – this type of text highlights code text, you have to type to the console or you get it from the console
  • text in italics – highlight of important text
  • text in bold – higher level of highlighting the important text. Bold could be nested with italics to get bold-italics
  • (-text-) – indicates the variable. The text describes the variable and you replace this string with your variable. For example (-number-) in should be replaced by a number of the actual version as of the creation of this manual we don't know, what version will be on that website tomorrow. So in this case the right string would be
  • INCOMPLETE – points out the section, which is not complete


  1. Operation system: Windows 10 and higher, Linux-like, MacOS
  2. Java: 11 to 16 (or OpenJDK 11+) (if you cannot upgrade your Java on Windows use portable executables of VU)

Getting started


Check your Java, install or upgrade



  1. Go to Search
  2. Type in cmd and press ENTER
  3. Type in java -version and press ENTER
  4. If you see R2 (e.g. openjdk 20.0.1 2023-04-18, which means you have OpenJDK 20) you are fine and you can proceed to Download and Installation – otherwise, follow these instructions (but you should have 64bit Windows version (to check type systeminfo and press ENTER to see in System Type:)):
    1. Go to OpenJDK website
    2. Click on link
    3. Download the archive file for Windows
    4. Unzip the download file
    5. Move the directory to the directory of your choice
    6. Click on the OpenJDK folder to get to the bin folder
    7. Click on taskbar and copy the link to the bin folder (it could look C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-21.0.1\bin)
    8. Go back to Command Prompt (cmd Window) and type in SystemPropertiesAdvanced
    9. Click on Environment Variables...
    10. Click on the PATH and then on Edit...
    11. Click on New paste the link, and click on OK
    12. Then click on New in Environment Variables...
    13. Add JAVA_HOME for Variable name:, and paste the link for Variable value:, but remove "bin" (so it should look like C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-21.0.1\)
    14. Click on OK
    15. Close Command Prompt
    16. Run vicuna.bat in yourvicunafolder/bin


Debian and derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu)


  1. Open terminal (usually CTRL+ALT+T)
  2. Type in java -version and press ENTER
  3. If you see R1 (e.g. openjdk 11.0.19 2023-04-18, which means you have OpenJDK 11) you are fine, and you can proceed to Download and Installation – otherwise, follow these instructions:
    1. Update information about packages by typing in sudo apt update
    2. List available package versions by typing in apt list "openjdk-*-jdk"
    3. Install the highest available version by typing in sudo apt install openjdk-(-number-)-jdk, where (-number-) is replaced by the highest number available (e.g. sudo apt install openjdk-19-jdk)



In order to be able to start the VicuñaUploader, a current version of Java must be installed on the Mac. The author suggests version 11 for this, we would recommend version 17.

  1. Visit the official Java download page for version 17
  2. Make sure both the 'JDK17' and 'macOS' tabs are selected
  3. Download the following file: ARM64 DMG Installer (If this file does not work, try the x64 version)
  4. Install Java by opening the downloaded .dmg file
  5. Download the current version of the as a .tar package
  6. Extract the .tar package and navigate to the vicuna/bin directory
  7. Start the `Vicuña` file by right-clicking on it and selecting “Open…” from the context menu
  8. The console and the VicuñaUploader should now open and the application should also appear in the menu bar below.

Download and install VicuñaUploader


You can download VU from this link. Click on the version code and under the Assets paragraph you can see different files to download. If you are downloading VU for the first time, use one of the *.tar or *.zip files. (If you were not able to download/update your Java to the required one on Windows, download the * version.) Then extract (untar/unzip) it to the location from where you would like to run it.

There is no need to install VicuñaUploader. You just run it.



Go to the directory, where you extracted tar/zip file. Find the bin directory and:

  • double click on vicuna file if you are on Linux-like operating systems
  • double click on vicuna.bat if you are on Windows operating system
    • optionally if you were not able to upgrade Java, you can double click on vicuna-launcher.exe



As there is no installation, there is no uninstallation. You just delete VU main directory.





As per version 1.3.3a, VU doesn't support 2FA accounts.