Commons:WikiProject Arts/Resources

Commons:WikiProject Arts / Resources
Deutsch: Ressourcen zum Herunterladen von Bildern sowie Handreichung zu Dateibeschreibungen

Mission: List resources for future uploads, add information to the file descriptions, retrieve information, etc.

Everyone is invited to contribute!




Pracitcal advice

WP:ART: Pracitcal advice

Ye olde rules

  • licence OK?
  • image already existent at Commons? if yes, the new one must be of a much better quality or much larger


  • of course, the image should be laying plan on the glass (use large books to produce pressure)
New: Single files may exceed 100 MB now
  • Leave a notice in the file description what kind of changes you have made to the file (enlarged, color adj., etc.)


  • Original work
  • printed reproductions (books, posters)

Annex A: International artwork titles


(thanks to User:Ham)

Possible template name
Español: (missing text)
Français : (missing text)
Italiano: (missing text)
Adoration of the Magi Anbetung der Könige The Adoration of the Magi Adoración de los Reyes Magos Adoration des Mages Adorazione dei Magi
Agony in the Garden Christus am Ölberg The Agony in the Garden Le Christ au Mont des oliviers Cristo nell'orto degli ulivi
Annunciation Mariä Verkündigung The Annunciation La anunciación Annonciation Annunciazione
Baptism Taufe Christi The Baptism of Christ - - Il Battesimo di Cristo
Birth of Venus Die Geburt der Venus The Birth of Venus La naissance de Vénus La nascita di Venere
Deposition Kreuzabnahme Christi The Deposition from the Cross Descenso de la Cruz - Deposizione dalla Croce
Echo and Narcissus Echo und Narziß Echo and Narcissus - Écho et Narcisse Eco e Narciso
Entombment Die Grablegung Christi The Entombment of Christ
Flight into Egypt Die Flucht nach Ägypten The Flight into Egypt La huida a Egipto La fuite en egypte La Fuga in Egitto
Last Supper Das Abendmahl The Last Supper La Última Cena La Cène Il Cenacolo
Lazarus Die Auferweckung des Lazarus The Raising of Lazarus La Résurrection de Lazare Resurrezione di Lazzaro
Massacre of the Innocents Bethlehemitischer Kindermord The Massacre of the Innocents Degollación de los Inocentes Le Massacre des Innocents La strage degli innocenti
Nativity Geburt Christi The Nativity
Phaeton Sturz des Phaeton The Fall of Phaeton - La chute de Phaéton -
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple - The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple - Présentation de Jésus au temple Presentazione di Gesù al Tempio
Presentation of Mary in the Temple Präsentation Marias im Tempel The Presentation of Mary in the Temple - - -
Resurrection Auferstehung Christi The Resurrection of Christ La Résurrection
Transfiguration Die Verklärung Christi The Transfiguration of Christ Trasfigurazione di Cristo

Annex B: Western art movements


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