This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments/Philosophy and the translation is 53% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments/Philosophy and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
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このページでは Wiki Loves Monuments とは何かを説明し、このプロジェクトの裏にある理念についての背景知識や、過去に決定されたある種のことについてその理由を説明しています。

まず、2010年にオランダで開催された Wiki Loves Monuments を成功させた主催者が考えていた目標がなんであったかを明らかにしておきましょう。写真が多数収集されることが Wiki Loves Monuments の大きな利点のひとつであることは明白かもしれませんが、このような企画を運営することには他にもいくつか理由があります。たとえば、

  1. フリーライセンスとは何かをより多くの人に知らしめること
  2. 実際にコンテンツをウィキメディアプロジェクト群に追加できるということを知らしめること



同時に、これはウィキペディアを普段編集するボランティアがもう一歩踏み出し、この企画の運営を手伝う動機を与える方法のひとつです。イベントとして枠組みが明確になってはいますが、Wiki Loves Monuments にはさまざまな自由度があります。自分の国でなにかを運営することをまだ経験していない人にとっては、それを試すすばらしい機会です。(まだ連絡をとっていないかもしれないそれを含めて)文化遺産関連機関とのさらなる共同企画をする下地ともなりえます。 これはWiki Loves Monuments でうまく成功したことのひとつでもあります。

  • ボランティア200人がおよそ18カ国でこの企画に携わりました。
  • 参加者5000人以上が画像を投稿し、そのうち4000人はそれまでウィキメディアに投稿していませんでした。
  • 合計で、約200万件の画像がウィキメディアプロジェクト群で使えるように公開されました。

Wiki Loves Monuments の5本の柱

You may already have found the concept page which contains basic documentation about how Wiki Loves Monuments looks like. There are some important principles that seem to be the reason for the success of the project; they may seem intuitive to some, but the consequences are unintuitive to many.



First of all, it is important that it is easy to participate in Wiki Loves Monuments. The threshold should be as low as possible for people who have never uploaded anything. This is important both in the technical sense—we should aim at having easy-to-use upload forms—as well as in the social sense: we should not throw up rules which are not absolutely necessary and be as welcoming for newcomers as possible.

Let's just accept that there will be some low quality images; a low threshold will, however, mean that there will be also more high quality images. Let's not bother the newcomers too much with our obsession with categories, templates and layout — but let us focus on welcoming them, and suggesting how they can easily write articles about their object of interest: cultural heritage.



It should of course be fun to participate. This sounds obvious, but many things—for instance bureaucratic measures such as sending permission e-mails and adding categories—can make it a lot less fun. Let's try to take that away from the participants, and design the upload process in such a way that avoids sending e-mails (by, for instance, accepting only own work of the users).

No categorisation is strictly necessary, and we can simplify the process by using available database to automatically categorise images based on the monuments' identifiers. The social aspect of the project is just as important: we should try organising events and thanking people for their contributions; for instance, one possible improvement in this area is to create a thanking/badge system for participants, something that we missed in the past years.



Wherever you live, participating should be nearby home. This is a practical variant of the make it easy principle: we simply don't want people to have to travel long distances to get to a monument.

Let's try to use a definition for monuments that allows as many people as possible to photograph them nearby their homes. For instance, the Netherlands have 60,000 monuments and a population of 17 million, and is rather densely populated, so it is quite easy for people to reach monuments in their neighbourhood. This, however, might not be the case in some countries, so you might for example consider adding state-level or province-level monuments if you want more objects.

Think out loud and definitely ask for input if you think you have very few monuments in your country. Don't worry about not completing the list with a photo for every object: that is not the goal. If we cover just 10% of all monuments in a single edition of the contest, this is a major achievement. Nearby home is not just important because of the time, but also because people are often proud of their own area, and want to tell the rest of the world about it!



In the past two years, we learned that for many people helping Wikipedia is the main reason to participate, and we should incorporate that in all our messaging and communication.

People do care about prizes to some degree, but the super-participants with many uploads and the many people who just upload their vacation pictures because they have them anyway, will mainly participate because they want to help. Those are also the people who are more likely to stick around, and this is also why it is so important to have the monument lists on Wikipedia, and use the images there.



Finally, it is important that participants get quick and visible results. If they upload something, we should try to have a mechanism to make the pictures actually be used. Maarten created a wonderful bot that suggests where to use a particular image — the details on this will follow soon, but this is also one of the reasons why on-line volunteers are very important during the contest.

If we can put up images on the lists quickly, it has two major effects: people see that their contributions have an actual impact and will continue to participate, but they will be also able to focus on the monuments that need their help most: those without a photo, or with a very bad photo.

Please try to keep these lessons in mind when organizing your contest. Internally, this translates to two good practices:

  1. communicate often, communicate well — inside your group, outside of it as well as with the other participating countries (sharing experiences is encouraged!);
  2. keep it simple.